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Felix and Regula make known; since, from a good motive, encouraged thereto by the Divine Word, which lays open everything, they see and acknowledge the abuses, of which they are not the authors, having received them by tradition with the help of God they will exchange them for the better rules of a good Christian life, and cause them to be practised in another and better fashion than heretofore.

The Honorary Secretary shouted himself hoarse through the din; and the smoke of the cheroots was like the smoke, and the rattling of the dice-boxes like the rattle of small-arm fire. Ten horses started very level and Regula Baddun's owner cantered out on his hack to a place inside the circle of the course, where two bricks had been thrown.

I, The Journals of Captain R. F. Scott, Rn., C. V. O., p. 417. Tertullian: De Virginibus Velandis, Cap. I "Regula quidem fidei una omnino est, sola immobilis et irreformabilis." The Papal Syllabus of Errors, A. D. 1864, Sec. 1, 5. Exodus 6:3; Chap. 19. Exodus 33:22-23. Numbers 21:14. Exodus 15:3. Judges 11:24. I Samuel 26:19. II Kings 5:17. Jeremiah 23:24. Psalm 96:5.

The Honorary Secretary shouted himself hoarse through the din; and the smoke of the cheroots was like the smoke, and the rattling of the dice-boxes like the rattle of small-arm fire. Ten horses started very level and Regula Baddun's owner cantered out on his back to a place inside the circle of the course, where two bricks had been thrown.

Before leaving Bologna he had put into shape the Proxenata, a lengthy collection of hints, maxims, and reflections as to everyday life; he had re-edited the Liber Artis Magnæ, and had added thereto the treatise De Proportionibus, and the Regula Aliza. He also took in hand two books on Geometry, and one on Music, and this last he completed in 1574.

Shackles' owner, in the Stand, tried to think that his field-glasses had gone wrong. Regula Baddun's owner, waiting by the two bricks, gave one deep sigh of relief, and cantered back to the Stand. He had won, in lotteries and bets, about fifteen thousand. It was a Broken-Link Handicap with a vengeance. It broke nearly all the men concerned, and nearly broke the heart of Shackles' owner.

The content of these confessions is called by the earlier Fathers the regula fidei, or rule of faith. This rule of faith is not drawn from the writings of the New Testament. It existed before any of the books in the New Testament were written. It sufficed not only for the first Christians of the age of the apostles, but for their descendants during four centuries.

Perhaps the most interesting feature of his reconstruction of the "regula," or rule for the monks' discipline, was his enactment with regard to the library and the studies of the brethren. Those who had not duly performed the yearly portion of reading prostrated themselves, confessing their fault and asking pardon.

The great question is: Was this the Baptismal Symbol, the 'Regula Fidei', which it was forbidden to put in writing; or was it not the Christian A. B. C. of the 'Catechumeni' previously to their Baptismal initiation into the higher mysteries, to the 'strong meat' which was not for babes'? Ib. p. 203.

This at least is certain, that the later the age of the writer, the stronger the expression of comparative superiority of the Scriptures; the earlier, on the other hand, the more we hear of the 'Symbolum', the 'Regula Fidei', the Creed. Chap. XXXII. p. 362.