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There is no more severe test of a regiment's discipline than to endure the enemy's fire without being able to retaliate." The regiment's eyes were fastened on their colonel's tall heavy figure as he walked his powerful horse slowly to and fro along their front, talking to them in his calm, passionless manner.

"Yes. We caught the crowd who printed that. Couldn't discover, though, how it got into the regiment's mail bags without being postmarked. Let's see wasn't Ranjoor Singh officer-of-the-day?" "Yes." "Um-m-m! Would it surprise you to know that Ranjoor Singh visits Yasmini?" "Wouldn't interest me." "What follows is in strict confidence, please." "I'm listening." "I want you to hear reason.

In one year, November, 1863, to November, 1864, 537 of the Regiment's total enrolment of 1,157 were killed, wounded, or prisoners, while three times it lost almost fifty percent of all the men engaged, at Spottsylvania, at Petersburg, and finally at the assault on the Crater, after which there were only eighty men and four officers left for duty.

The regiment's enthusiasm for Scrap, as voiced by Muldoon, was not extended to the commanding officer, who felt that the impressiveness of guard mount was detracted from by Scrap's deployments. Also the tall lieutenant of Company A disliked the sensation of being accompanied in his social excursions among ladies who had driven out to band practise by a lawless yellow pup with a bitten ear.

"To the Ninety-ninth, best of 'em all," proposed Prescott, holding out his hand to Cartwright, who took and pressed it. "To the best officers' crowd in the service," quoth Greg. "Amen to that!" assented Cartwright, though he strode away with a dull red flush burning on either cheek. Half an hour later Dick's business took him past the regiment's guard-house.

To march up Fifth Avenue, with empty guns, in a parade, between ten thousand admiring spectators is one thing. To march between ten thousand angry strikers and their sympathizers, with ball cartridges in the rifles, is quite another. It is all the difference between smoking a cigar after dinner, and smoking one in a powder magazine. The regiment's task had only just begun, however.

I can control the men if I stay with them, but in that case who shall ride on and procure intelligence?" In a flash I saw his meaning. There was none but he wise enough to ride ahead. But who else could control the men men who believed they had sloughed the regiment's honor in a Flanders trench and a German prison camp?

An officer of the Sixty-ninth Regiment, N. G. N. Y., offered the White Star Line officials, the use of the regiment's armory for any of the survivors. Mrs. Thomas Hughes, Mrs. August Belmont and Mgrs. Lavelle and McMahon, of St.

Throughout the terrible night they held their ground, keeping up a constant fire to prevent an attempt by the enemy to reoccupy the line, until they were relieved in the early morning by other troops; they had secured a position which it was indispensable to hold, and the line thus gained remained the regiment's front during its stay at Cold Harbor.

These losses were in fact proportionately even larger than those met with at Cold Harbor, as the hard service of the preceding months had reduced the regiment's effective strength to about twenty-five officers and seven hundred men present for duty.