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She was buried in the nunrie of Goodstow beside Oxford, with these verses vpon hir toome: Hîc iacet in tumulo, Rosa mundi non Rosa munda, Non redolet sed olet, quæ redolere solet. The meaning whereof may be found in Graftons large chronicle, page 77. in an English septenarie. Moreouer, king Henrie was noted not to be so fauourable to the liberties & fréedoms of the church as he might haue béene.

All that remains of her tomb of stone, the letters of which are almost worn out, is the following: " . . . Adorent, Utque tibi detur requies Rosamunda precamur." The rhyming epitaph following was probably the performance of some monk: "Hic jacet in tumba Rosamundi non Rosamunda, Non redolet sed olet, quae redolere solet."

"Non redolet sed olet!" exclaims the Yorkshireman, who dismounts in a twinkling, lending his friend a hand out of the unsavoury cesspool. "That's what comes of hunting in a new saddle, you see," added he, holding his nose. Jorrocks scrambles upon "terra firma" and exhibits such a spectacle as provokes the shouts of the field.

Throwing my fish down on to the table, I delightedly exclaimed, "Look what I have caught, father; isn't it a lovely fish?" I could not understand the roars of laughter which followed, as one of the party, with a horrified glance at my capture, shouted, "Take it away, take it away!" Non redolet sed olet.