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When he went to his room that night, Dick Bellamy was followed by a vivid ghost with reddish-gold hair, golden-brown, expressive eyes, adorable mouth, and skin of perfect texture, over neck and shoulders of a creamy whiteness which melted into the warmer colour of the face by gradation so fine that none could say where that flush as of a summer sunset first touched the snow.

Her complexion, naturally high in tone because of the pink of health, was enhanced by the tiniest speck of black court-plaster laid upon her cheekbone; and her hair, heightened in its reddish-gold by her dress, was fluffed loosely and adroitly about her eyes.

It's grateful, as it well may be, for all the sun has done for it. Look at the color of that marble." And Dion looked at the honey color, and the wonderful reddish-gold, and, laughing, said: "Athens is the one faultless city, and the dogs tell us so every night and all night long." "Dogs always bark when the moon is up," she answered, with a semi-humorous gravity.

There were several pictures on the wall an impossible oil painting, for one thing, dark and gloomy; a canal and barge scene in pink and nile green for another; some daguerreotypes of relatives and friends which were not half bad. Cowperwood noticed one of two girls, one with reddish-gold hair, another with what appeared to be silky brown.

Only the day before she had welcomed home a golden-yellow silk under heavy green lace, which, with her reddish-gold hair and her white arms and neck, seemed to constitute an unusual harmony.

Her companion was tall and slender and melancholy faced, her hair a dull reddish-gold or golden-red, her face without color and a bit freckled, her gown of pale blue. The black-haired girl called: "You've had a long ride and you deserve recreation and refreshment. Come in. We don't know you two, but we have entertained couriers before this. This is the place for you."

Yes, a man might think she was pretty a low-browed girl, with a wave of reddish-gold hair, and crimson lips blossoming out against the strange, milk-whiteness of her skin. Her eyes, too Thyra recalled them hazel in tint, deep, and laughter-brimmed. The girl had gone past her with a smile that brought out many dimples.

At this moment the gladiator Tarautas, as nimble as a cat and as bloodthirsty as a hungry wolf, sprang on to one of the enemy's piled-up wagons, and a tall swordsman, with a bear-skin over his shoulder, and long, reddish-gold hair, flew to meet him. This was no sham German! Caracalla knew the man.

She was always doubling and twisting on herself, and every movement she made seemed to start at the nape of her neck, just below the lifted roll of reddish-gold hair, and flow without a break through her whole slim length to the tips of her fingers and the points of her slender restless feet. "Why, do you know the Marvells? Are THEY stylish?" she asked. Mrs.

Once in her seat again, she rubbed the cheek that his breath had touched. A girl was singing now one of those faces that Gyp always admired, reddish-gold hair, blue eyes the very antithesis of herself and the song was "The Bens of Jura," that strange outpouring from a heart broken by love: "And my heart reft of its own sun "