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Religious apologists are forever reminding us that we must interpret both the lives and the works of their prophets and recorders in the spirit and meaning of the ages in which they lived.

His scene with Rosencrantz and Guildenstern and the recorders is masterly: the silken sternness of it, the fine hauteur, the half-appeal as of lost ideals still pleading with the vulgarity of life, the fierce humour of its disillusion, and behind, as always, the heartbreak that side of which comes of the recognition of what it is to be a gentleman in such a world.

One might be an accident; two might possibly be a coincidence...." His voice died away. What might that coincidence mean? "But at three it would get to be a habit," the captain finished the thought. "And whatever happened, happened quick. Neither of them had time to say a word their location recorders simply went dead. But of course they didn't have our detector screens nor our armament.

A great man never draws so near his public as when it has become unnecessary to read his books and is still interesting to know what he eats for breakfast. As recorders of their parent's domestic habits, as pious scavengers of his waste-paper basket, the Misses Anson were unexcelled.

These grave recorders, having made their compilation, reduced the Memoirs containing all the remarkable events of their master's life into a narrative, addressed to himself in propria persona.

His handtorch gave plenty of light for the recorders as he moved inside Copper at his heels, both of them physically unrecognizable in antiradiation suits. "Why are we moving so slowly?" Copper said. "Let's go ahead and find out what's beyond this passageway." "From a superstitious coward you've certainly become a reckless explorer," he said.

The eager discussions of Nicæa present the first grand precedent for the duty of private judgment, and the free, unrestrained exercise of biblical and historical criticism. The matter became a subject of much controversy. Mosheim thinks it most probable that Arius was poisoned by his enemies. Most recorders of the present day are content to say simply that "he died suddenly."

Chiefs of Departments sat at their desks, concentrated upon problems or at ease, according to the demands of the moment; televisotypes and recorders flashed busily but silently; calmly efficient men and women went wontedly about the all-embracing business of Triplanetary's space-pervading Secret Service. "Right of way, Norma?"

No one who knows the real China can deny that. The Continental arrangement of the Members' desks and the raised tribune of the Speaker, with its rows of clerks and recorders, make an impression of orderliness, tinged nevertheless with a faint revolutionary flavour.

Another result is that, while strange gleams of Esotericism shine through, as in that about the Four Recorders of the Four Cardinal Points, things that it seemed undangerous to the monks, because they did not understand their significance, to let pass, we hear nothing in Irish literature about the philosophy of the Druids.