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It had appeared suddenly from beyond a jutting promontory of spruce trees. "Dunno," he answered, "don't reco'nize him. Seems like as Gid had loaned the canoe t' a stranger. An' yet I seem t' have seen that pinky-red shirt before, an' that straight-rimmed Stetson hat." "Looks t' me like Sheriff Blagg," said Kiddie. "What's he want, cavortin' about on the lake searchin' for us?

Sometimes they'll go along as easy as an old shoe, an' other times they'll do nothin' but bung, bung, bung! There's a log nestlin' down in the middle o' that jam that I've be'n watchin' for a week. It's a cur'ous one, to begin with; an' then it has a mark on it that you can reco'nize it by.

No one shall reco'nize 'M. Beaucaire' or 'Victor. Ha, ha! 'Tis all arrange'; you have nothing to fear." "Curse you," said the Duke, "do you think I'm going to be saddled with you wherever I go as long as you choose?" "A mistake. No. All I requi All I beg is this one evening. 'Tis all shall be necessary. After, I shall not need monsieur.

True, I am not reco'nize on the parade; that my frien's who come here do not present me to their ladies; that Meestaire Nash has reboff' me in the pomp-room; still, am I not known for being hones' and fair in my play, and will I not be belief, even I, when I lif' my voice and charge you aloud with what is already w'isper'? Think of it!

You are evidently the p'oper pusson, as I reco'nize this as my own chirography." The up-country boy stood in awed silence. He thought he had never heard such fine language before. "I ca'culate that you have nevah had no experience in hotel work," pursued Mr. Buckner somewhat more graciously. "I's nevah done nuffin' but wo'k on a farm; but evahbody 'lows I's right handy."

After a few days Mr. Druitt called exactly as usual to offer good bacon. "Mornin', ma'am. Mary sends her love, and the message that she's as happy as the day is long." "And I hope," said Mavis, "that you are happy too, Mr. Druitt." "Mrs. Dale," he said, "I don't reco'nize myself. When I think of the past and the present " Mavis stopped him.

"Atter he got ober his grievin' spell he 'mence ter wonder w'at Mars Marrabo meant by callin' 'im yaller, an' ez long ez nobody didn' seem ter keer whuther dey seed 'im er not, he went down by de crick in broad daylight, an' kneel down by de water an' looked at his face. Fus' he didn' reco'nize hisse'f an' glanshed back ter see ef dey wa'n't somebody lookin' ober his shoulder but dey wa'n't.

The complaint ended in a stifled moan induced perhaps by some darting pain, then without further ado Ma Briskow unbuttoned one shoe and removed it. "Whew!" She leaned back in her chair, wiggled her stockinged toes, and feebly fanned herself. "But wait till you see her. I can't scarcely reco'nize my own flesh an' blood. I never seen such a change in a human person."

The last place I locked wheels with Mike Butters was in Idaho. I'd just sold a silver-lead prospect and was proclaimin' my prosperity with soundin' brass and ticklin' symbols. I was tuned up to G and singin' quartettes with the bartender opery buffet, so to speak when in Mike walked. It was a bright morning out-side and I didn't reco'nize him at first against the sunlight.

But you gits dar all the same, don't yer Lady? You gits dar in tukkey-meat ef dey don't reco'nize yer! Well! I'm done mixin' now an' I turns my back on de trough an' advance ter de bars. Lordy, how purty dem cows does look wid dat low sun 'g'ins' dey backs! So patient an' yit so onpatient. Back, now, till I teck out dese rails! Soh, now! Easy, Spot! Easy, Lady!