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"I reckon a b'ar chased him and he lost his reckonin'," was John Barrow's comment. "Bring him up to the fire. He wants warmin'." Yet, with all the care they were able to bestow, it was a good hour before Jasper Grinder was able to sit up and relate what had occurred to him. He was very hungry, and eagerly disposed of every scrap of food they had to offer him.

Or another member of the audience would call: "Was you reckonin' you'd have enough paint in that keg to finish your yawl, Eddie? Never in the world! What are you so scrimpin' of it for? Slither it on good and thick and let it trickle down into the cracks. 'Twill keep 'em tight." Oh, one learned to curb his temper and bend to the higher criticism if he carried his work down to the beach.

Fer weapins we is 'bout equal. Now I figgers this way; it will take us 'bout a week to learn what we has gotter learn 'bout the coast beyond those hills afore we takes chances on crossin' 'em. We can git this information at th' same time we is doin' what we can to locate th' girl, though I ain't reckonin' on seein' her till we reaches th' lake.

Such a faithful crittur as ye've been, reckonin' on him more than your own wife and chil'en. 'Chloe! now, if ye love me, you won't talk so, when it is perhaps jest the last time we'll ever have together, said Tom. 'Wall, anyway, there's wrong about it somewhere, said Aunt Chloe, 'I can't jest make out where 'tis. But there is wrong somewhere, I'm sure of that.

Spunyarn shakes his head reprovingly, fusses over Tom, turns him over on his wales, as he has it, and finally gets him on his beam's ends, a besotted wreck unable to carry his canvas. "Lost yeer reckonin', eh, Tom?" he continues as that bewildered individual stares vacantly at him.

It looks like we've got to winter there. Mind ye, I've given Honest Simms the reckonin' of the island. We go out on the ice after bear, though the weather's threatenin', for we're short of meat. An' we kill a Kadiak bear. Me I'll never stand for the shootin' of another bear if I can stop it. "I've bin havin' trouble with my eyes. Right along. I'm on the floe not eighty yards from Simms.

He'll take no more chances. When it gits dark they'll start a blaze on the roof. They'll creep mighty close without our seein' 'em. The minute we show ourselves they'll be ready to jump us. The chief is reckonin' to take us alive. The towns on the Scioto will need more'n one stake-fire to make 'em forgit what this trip to Virginia has cost 'em." The business of waiting was most dreary.

I’m jus’ small stuff, not worth botherin’ ’bout by their reckonin’, now I ain’t got anythin’ left them buzzards can pick offen m’ bones. They’s sittin’ tight an’ gittin’ fat right there." "Then it’s all set." Drew tossed Anse a towel. "Climb out and we’ll get started!" "Doin what?" "You’ve worked horses, and they can use another wrangler on the Range.

"It was the best thing she could do," he said. "It is to be hoped that she will be happy." "Yes, sir, it is. She deserves it, if that goes for anything in the heavenly reckonin'. She's a fine woman a good woman that, sir." "Yes." Joseph was folding a shirt very carefully.

"Say, I've jest been reckonin' up an' I make out yew hev been jest four months aboard o' my hooker thar, an' I reckon thet twenty dollars a month ain't more'n a fair an' square deal." Again the red flush mantled to the trader's brow. "No, no, Hetherington. I am poor, but not so poor that I should insult you by such an insignificant sum as that.