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Frank bowed, and hurried into the tent, while the Hakim supported the injured arm and raised his eyes to the Baggara chief, whose gaze was fixed upon him searchingly, and gave him a calm, reassuring smile, as if saying, "Wait, and you shall be cured."

Stringham stood as motionless as if a sound, a syllable, must have produced the start that would be fatal, so even the lapse of a few seconds had a partly reassuring effect. It gave her time to receive the impression which, when she some minutes later softly retraced her steps, was to be the sharpest she carried away.

"A few dollars will make it all right, and that doesn't matter," she returned evasively, but with lips that quivered in spite of her effort at self-control. "You were badly frightened, poor child! but it is over," he gently observed, the tense lines of his face softening in a reassuring smile.

In the silence Carl fell pitifully to shaking. "Steady, Carl!" exclaimed Philip kindly and setting the lantern down, slipped a strong, reassuring arm about the other's shoulders. In that second Philip proved his caliber. With big inherent generosity he saw beyond the bloated mask of brutal passion and resolve. Miraculously he understood and said so.

Indeed so little did Rosey shrink that he was conscious of a slight reassuring pressure on his arm as they moved forward, and for the moment I fear the young man felt like exaggerating his offense for the sake of proportionate sympathy. "Do you remember," he continued, "one evening when I told you some sea tales, you said you always thought there must be some story about the Pontiac?

"What have you been thinking about?" said Ajax, after another silence. "My God don't ask me." "Brace up!" said my brother. I confess that he has steadier nerves than mine, but then, you see, he has not my imagination. I put my hand into his, and the grip he gave me was reassuring. I reflected that men built upon the lines of Ajax are not easily knocked on the head.

Richard's first words to her were reassuring; if there was constraint here, she was not involved in it. "No trump says little Miss Field. Well, that doesn't seem to frighten me. Two spades." "I think we might try three diamonds, Miss Field," Anthony said, gravely and pleasantly, and Harriet felt herself acquitted of any apprehension in that direction as well.

"Only I want to get into something a little more substantial than my pajamas." As the two lads hurriedly slipped on some clothing they heard the voice of Mr. Swift calling: "What is it, Tom? Has anything happened?" "Nothing much," was the reassuring answer. "It was a near-happening, only Ned woke up in time. Someone was in our rooms a burglar, I guess." "A burglar!

"Fear no evil, my friend, but come with me," continued the stranger in a reassuring tone. "The storm will not destroy us, Mordecai; I have tried its fury so far," said the rabbi. "Come on." Reluctantly Mr. Mordecai obeyed, and hastily preparing himself for the weather, turned out into the darkness and the storm, with the rabbi and the guide.

Harris's pulse in a reassuring manner, says, with much admirable presence of mind: "Howls, my dear madam? no, no, no! What are we thinking of? Howls, my dear Mrs. Harris? Ha, ha, ha! Organs, ma'am, organs. Organs in the streets, Mrs. Harris; no howls." But it is very short, and perhaps of no general interest.