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He broke off suddenly, awkward from shyness and genuine feeling. He looked up, however, to meet a glance so reassuring that he felt at once at ease. "It is time that it ceased to be strange," she returned. "We must try before you go to make you more accustomed to being looked after a little." He returned her kind look with a grateful smile. "You are too generous," he said.

Advancing upon the arm of the detective, whose suddenly assumed air of persuasion in the presence of the jury was anything but reassuring, she stood for an instant gazing calmly upon the scene before her.

Public interest had increased rather than diminished during the progress of the investigation, and the newspapers had already begun to hint that the Central Office was "bungling the job." "Chief, I know you've been worried," Britz began, bestowing on Manning a reassuring smile.

After some weeks of sullenness, during which for days at a time she hardly spoke to me, and seemed lost in dark and evil abstraction, she once more, and somewhat suddenly, recovered her spirits, and grew quite friendly. Her gaieties and friendliness were not reassuring, and in my mind presaged approaching mischief and treachery. The days were shortening to the wintry span.

Jocelyn, bending over her with moist eyes, "you look pale and gone like " "Oh no, mamma, I'm here a good hundred and ten pounds of me, more or less." "But how did you get through the day?" "You will hardly believe it," was the reassuring reply; "I've been promoted already from work that was hard and coarse to the lace counter, which is near the door, where one can breathe a little pure air.

She was becoming more sure that she liked the man, but she realized that she might not have done so had she met him before she came out to Canada, where she had learned to recognize the essential points in character. There were certainly respects in which his manner would once have jarred upon her. Her expression was reassuring when he turned to her again.

A perfect servant, yes; but it seemed to Thomas that the man was always expecting some one to come up behind him. Those quick cat-like glances over his shoulder were not reassuring. Dark, swarthy; and yet that odd white scar in the scalp above his ear. That ought to have been dark, logically. "What is it?" "Lord Monckton has dropped his glass somewhere, sir, and he sent me to inquire, sir."

It was his heaviest day at the business, and it was upsetting to come home tired and feel her place beside him at the basement dinner table vacant. But the women's nods were more knowing than ever, the reassuring insinuations more and more delicate.

He found himself shelved; he was most politely told that he was not wanted, and he retired into his carpet-slippers again after one of those terrible quarters of an hour when he peeped past the curtain and saw a miserable, naked puppet shivering in a grey world, and that puppet was Garrett Trojan. Then suddenly a second opportunity presented itself. Robin's trouble was unexpectedly reassuring.

The curve of the chin, the grace of the neck revealed above the dip of the linen collar, the line of the shoulders, the position of the arms, and of the hands resting on her knees: all this was charming and very gentle and, in a manner, very seemly and reassuring. Was it possible that this woman should be a murderess, a poisoner? He said: "I forget what you told me that your Christian name was.