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And then a flood of strange, alien recollections and realisations seemed to bring her from a better place back to a worse, the sound of a passing taxicab, the distant booming of Big Ben, sounds of the world outside, the actual day-by-day world, with its day-by-day code of morals, the world in which she lived, and her friends, and all that had made life for her.

Both Christendom and Islam are indeed on their secular sides imperfect realisations of a Utopian World State.

In its earlier phase especially, before the sense of beauty dominates over the idea, art represents with a singular fidelity not only the religious beliefs of men, but also the far more delicate and evanescent shades of their realisations, ideals, and emotions. The result of those years of study was my 'History of the Spirit of Rationalism in Europe, which appeared in the early part of 1865.

Which developments are truly realisations of "the moral capability of man," and so tend to the attainment of ultimate good, and which developments are expressions of those capacities which seek an apparent good only and are to be classed as evil, as impediments to the realisation of the good, these have to be discriminated; and is it so clear that from the mere record of human deeds we are able to draw the distinction?

It breeds lassitude and indifference towards impracticable ideals, originally no less worthy than the practicable. Ideals which cannot be realised, and are not fed at least by partial realisations, soon grow dormant. Life-blood passes to other veins; the urgent and palpitating interests of life appear in other quarters.

Far, far quicker than it would have taken for her to utter her thoughts aloud, these painful thoughts and realisations flashed through her brain. If she had been content to put into this Hamburg Loan only the amount of the legacy she had inherited three years ago!

He talked to me of theology, he talked of politics, of the wonders of science and the marvels of art, of the passions and the affections, of the immortality of the soul and the peculiar actions of drugs; but predominantly and constantly he talked of getting on, of enterprises, of inventions and great fortunes, of Rothschilds, silver kings, Vanderbilts, Goulds, flotations, realisations and the marvelous ways of Chance with men in all localities, that is to say, that are not absolutely sunken to the level of Cold Mutton Fat.

"She has a fine chance," the teacher remarked presently. "It saddens me to think of my myriads. But we do our best " "That is one sure thing," I said quickly. "Still you are taking her away from us." I felt a throb of meaning from that. I had to be sure she meant just as much as that throb meant to me. Constructive realisations come this way. "What do you mean taking her away?"

They acquire sympathies and realisations they would never have known in more prosperous circumstances. They learn to take keen pleasure in little things, and to value rightly both money and time. If wealth and luxury afterwards come in overflowing measure, these lessons will not be wholly lost. The value of money as an element of happiness diminishes rapidly in proportion to its amount.

Granet, on his return to Sackville Street, paid the taxicab driver, ascended the stairs and let himself into his rooms with very much the air of a man who has passed through a dream. A single glance around, however, brought him vivid realisations of his unwelcome visitor. The little plate of sandwiches, half finished, the partly emptied bottle of wine, were still there.