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He posted himself, with six fellows on whom he could depend, in a room of one of the wings which commanded the back entrance. As many men, with plenty of ready-loaded rifles, were told off to a room in the opposite wing. Both parties were thus in a position to rake the entrance with a cross fire.

"These trucks you see are ready-loaded with the frit, or glass-material, and are to be wheeled down to the furnaces presently," said Cicerone. "But, before following them, we had better go down and see the fires."

Retreat was left for him; but he could not retreat. "I saw below me his artillerist Jorge, an old Spanish soldier, building up a sort of structure with heaped-up saddles. The gun, ready-loaded was lifted on to that, but in the act of firing the whole thing collapsed and the shot flew high above the stockade. "Nothing more was attempted.

"Far away in Smaaland the little imps were dancing With ready-loaded pistol and rifle-barrelled gun; All the little devils they played upon the fiddle, But for the grand piano Old Harry was the one." In the middle of his noisy joy, he looked up, and immediately burst into a roar of terror and dropped down on to the wood-shavings.

Several coasting-skippers, whose vessels lay ready-loaded at the wharves, decided to put off sailing until some news should indicate that the Bay was clear. When the storm had blown itself out the artisans again set to work on the big East Indiaman.

"Far away in Smaaland the little imps were dancing With ready-loaded pistol and rifle-barrelled gun; All the little devils they played upon the fiddle, But for the grand piano Old Harry was the one." In the middle of his noisy joy, he looked up, and immediately burst into a roar of terror and dropped down on to the wood-shavings.

Some carried ready-loaded cages waiting to be snatched up by hoists. Crane grips came down, and snapped fast on the cages, and lifted them up and up and out of sight. There was a Diesel running somewhere, and a man stood and stared skyward and made motions with his hands, and the Diesel adjusted its running to his signals.