United States or Angola ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

To this they readily agreed, being only too glad of an opportunity of making some return to their friend, who refused to accept any payment for his hospitality, although Barney earnestly begged of him to accept of his watch, which was the only object of value he was possessed of, and that wasn't worth much, being made of pinchbeck, and utterly incapable of going!

It has been said that in respect of dimensions it is not merely the number of square miles, but the extent and character of the sea-coast that is to be considered with reference to sea power; and so, in point of population, it is not only the grand total, but the number following the sea, or at least readily available for employment on ship-board and for the creation of naval material, that must be counted.

I think this sugar has the advantage over grape sugar, that it dissolves more readily, and can even be dissolved in cold water, thus simplifying the process very much. It will take about two pounds to the gallon of water to bring this up to 80°, which will make a wine of sufficient body.

They are the most frequent visitors to your world; they communicate most readily; and it is through them that spirits who have not the gift are enabled to communicate with your earth." Mediumistic Sensitivity.

These manifestations of the effect of rhythmic motion will give you an idea of the effect on the body of rhythmic breathing. The whole system catches the vibration and becomes in harmony with the will, which causes the rhythmic motion of the lungs, and while in such complete harmony will respond readily to orders from the will.

"Is this thy friend, Master Nevile?" said Sibyll, with a glance at the goldsmith. "He is welcome. But is it fair and courteous, Master Nelwyn " "Alwyn, an' it please you, fair mistress. A humble name, but good Saxon, which, I take it, Nelwyn is not," interrupted Nicholas. "Master Alwyn, forgive me; but can I forgive thee so readily for thy espial of my handiwork, without license or leave?"

The recollection that the nature of the ring on her finger was concealed by her glove afforded her supplementary amusement. "Oh!" was all he said. "I didn't catch your name exactly." "I didn't catch yours," she replied evasively. "David Brandon," he said readily. "It's a pretty name," she said, turning smilingly to him.

But in the ancient world Greek culture spread most rapidly after the fall of the Greek Empire; Japan in our own time adopted Western culture more readily as an independent nation than she would have done as a dependency of Russia or France; and India is perhaps more likely to-day to learn from Japan than from England.

Come right up to my room. It's perfectly wretched here, but I'm so happy! Elma." Cornelia rolled her eyes to the ceiling, and indulged in an expressive whistle. Contradictory as Elma's epistle might have appeared to an ordinary reader, she understood it readily enough. It was Mrs Ramsden who was wretched, Elma who was happy "so happy," despite the atmosphere of disapproval. The crisis had arrived!

"You fellows make me tired," observed the stranger, dismounting. "He's got the whole townful of you bluffed to a standstill. Damn if I don't try his little game." He hung his coat on his saddle, shouldered his way through the press, which parted for him readily, and picked up the other corner of the handkerchief. "Now, you mangy son of a gun," said he.