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Then I begged hard that it should be left as it was, and I was met by arguments that I could not discuss, "the effect was not true so," "the lights were too strong," or "the darks too heavy;" "but very little retouching was necessary," and it ended in the pretty sketch being destroyed after having been re-varnished and re-bitten two or three times.

The workmanship of these old carriages was so excellent that some of them, repainted and re-varnished, were still used for station-work in the country. There was in particular one venerable vehicle known as the "Travelling Clarence," which remained in constant use for more than sixty years after its birth.

Its shutters were opened and its windows raised to let in light and common fresh air; its carpet was on the line outside to be scourged of dust; the black, formidable furniture was out on the wide porch to be re-varnished, like any common furniture, plainly needing it; the vases of dyed grass might be handled without risk; and the dark spirit that had seemed to be in and over all was vanished.

The house of A. Popinot, Rue des Cinq-Diamants, had undergone a great change in two months. The shop was repainted. The shelves, re-varnished and gilded and crowded with bottles, rejoiced the eye of those who had eyes to see the symptoms of prosperity. The floors were littered with packages and wrapping-paper.

Be careful to wax the groove as well as the flat surface of the Ski. When Skis are put away for the summer, the upper as well as the running surfaces should be oiled or re-varnished in order to preserve the wood. Leather bindings may be well oiled with special boot oil to keep them supple.

Disgusted with society, they resolved to see nobody any more, but live exclusively by themselves and for themselves. And they spent days in the wine-cellar, picking the tartar off the bottles, re-varnished all the furniture, enamelled the rooms; and each evening, as they watched the wood burning, they discussed the best system of fuel.

"Only scratched a mite," commented the farmer, pocketing the bill Father Blossom gave him to pay for his time and trouble. "Lucky not to have to have the whole thing scraped and re-varnished." The Blossoms were home in time for supper, and of course Norah had to hear about the drive.

"There's your little cabinet-maker, John, will look over the things and furbish them up; there's that broken arm of the chair must be mended, and everything re-varnished; then I have found such a lovely rep, of just the richest shade of maroon, inclining to crimson, and when we come to cover the lounges and armchairs and sofas and ottomans all alike, you know they will be quite another thing."

These he repaired, re-touched, re-varnished, re-framed, and sold for good prices, as 'masterpieces of ancient art, to such noble and gentle patrons as had galleries to fill, or walls to cover, and money to part with. This method of proceeding was doubtless profitable rather than honourable.