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It is not with our intellect alone that we possess such a fact, as we might intellectually possess that twice two is four, or that Elizabeth was the daughter of Henry VIII., knowing casually what we may casually also forget; we possess, in such a way that forgetting becomes impossible, with our whole soul and our whole being, re-living that fact with every breath that we draw, with every movement we make, the first great lesson of art, that vitality means harmony.

This re-living of past experience can, with some patients, be made to go on indefinitely, through the whole day, if the doctor has time to attend to it, every little incident being faithfully recalled though the actual event may have taken place 20 or 30 years previously.

But she went on to the end, with a kind of hypnotized insistence, as though the scenes she evoked were so real to her that she had forgotten where she was and imagined herself to be re-living them. "I did not murder my husband." "Who did, then? Hervé de Lanrivain?" "No." "Who then? Can you tell us?" "Yes, I can tell you. The dogs " At that point she was carried out of the court in a swoon.

Together they strolled along the edge of the willows. "The grouse come down to feed about this time," she said. "We'll put up a covey soon." It seemed to him as though he were re-living the experiences of his ancestors the pioneers of Michigan as he walked this wilderness with this intrepid huntress whose alert eyes took note of every moving thing.

Little, that is, towards the re-living of those instants of exalted spiritual perception which had been granted to her at distant Avila. In overstrained and puritanic dread of idolatory, the English Church has gone lamentably far to forfeit its sacramental birthright.

But she went on to the end, with a kind of hypnotized insistence, as though the scenes she evoked were so real to her that she had forgotten where she was and imagined herself to be re-living them. "I did not murder my husband." "Who did, then? Herve de Lanrivain?" "No." "Who then? Can you tell us?" "Yes, I can tell you. The dogs " At that point she was carried out of the court in a swoon.

Madison retired for her nap at four o'clock, Betty, who longed for the seclusion of her room and the delight of re-living the morning hours, established herself in the middle of the veranda, with Harriet beside her and Jack swinging in a hammock at the corner. "Thank heaven she wants to go to Europe in September," she thought.

I'd sat there re-living so many things the ecstatic moments of my life when I first touched fame and my feet were so cold that I could not feel them, so I thought all the harder of the pleasant things of the past. Then, as I say, I came back to the gun position to learn that I was to have one day off at the back of the lines.

I pitied him; I tried to take care of him; and when he asked me if I liked the office of sick-nurse, I told him I liked it well enough to wish it were for life; and now, when he wants to light my eyes out of that dreamy expression that tells him I am re-living the past, and thinking of the dead, he tells me, for the sake of the flash that follows, that I offered myself to him! Perhaps I did.

She went back over the earlier rows, re-living them, exaggerating unconsciously the noble unselfishness of her own acts and the pointed effectiveness of her speeches, until the scenes were transformed. They now appeared in other hues, in other fashionings.