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"What on earth are those fellows doing?" he continued. "Re-laying the road, perhaps." "One doesn't re-lay a road by making a deep hole in it." "Well gas!" "Gas and electric light mains in this street are all led along a special conduit reached by manholes every eighty yards," said Champion. "There's no need to dig." "Well drains!" said I vaguely. But I was a mere child in the hands of this expert.

If you win in trade and politics, somebody must lose, but a victory over Nature is a gain to all. And when your enemies are storms and floods, cheating and small cunning are not of much use." "That is so," Festing agreed, smiling. "When you're sent to cut through an icy rock or re-lay the steel across the gap a snowslide has made, it's obvious if you have done the job or not.

But as the power and the weight of the locomotives were increased, it was found that such rails were quite insufficient for the safe conduct of the traffic, and it therefore became necessary to re-lay the road with heavier and stronger rails at considerably increased expense. The details of the carrying stock had in like manner to be settled by experience.

His was the harder, the more hopeless task, to re-lay foundations which had been torn up and scattered, and then begin to build upon them.

Their business was to go over the entire line twice a day, drive tight the wooden "keys" which held the rails in their chairs, lift and re-lay broken or worn-out rails and chairs, raise or depress sleepers wherever these required alteration, so as to make the line level, and, generally, to keep in thorough repair the "permanent way."