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He bethought him of the great distance they had sailed from Ratinga before the mutiny broke out, and the utter impossibility of his being able to swim back. Then he thought of sharks, and a nervous tendency to draw up his legs and yell out affected him.

Mrs Waroonga who had been named Betsy was therefore presented to the astonished natives of Ratinga in a short calico gown of sunflower pattern with a flounce at the bottom, a bright yellow neckerchief, and a coal-scuttle bonnet, which quivered somewhat in consequence of being too large and of slender build.

Soon after the boat reached her, the sails of the stranger were spread, and she glided slowly out of the lagoon. Let us waft ourselves away, now, over the sea, in pursuit of the strange barque which had treated the good people of Ratinga so cavalierly. Richard Rosco sits in the cabin of the vessel, for it is he who commands her.

A touch of pity seemed to influence the pirate captain, for he added in a softer tone, "I would have taken you with me, if it had been possible, and landed you on Ratinga. Perhaps that may yet be done. At any rate I will return to this island we shall meet again." At last the madman spoke, in a harsh, grating tone, "If we meet again, you shall die!"

Thus, insensibly, without a well-defined intention or effort on the part of any one, the praise of God and the sweet name of Jesus ascended to heaven from that heathen village. The assembling of these children for their lesson brought powerfully to Zeppa's mind, one day, the meetings of the Ratinga people for worship, and the appropriateness of beginning with prayer occurred to him.

It will be the first time in my life I have had a secret from my mother; but she must not know till till we return." That night there was great rejoicing in Ratinga, because of the recovery, if we may so call it, of Zariffa, and the visit of the British man-of-war.

"Thanks, good sir, I accept your offer most gladly," returned the officer, holding out his hand; "all the more heartily that I had expected to meet with none but savages here." "We are Christians, thank God," said Orlando. "Then this must be the island of Ratinga, of which we have heard so much of late." "Even so." "But where, then, is your village, your church?" asked the officer, looking round.

The discovery there made, as he supposed, that Antonio Zeppa had recovered his reason and returned home, not only amazed and puzzled Rosco, but disconcerted part of his plan, which was to find Zeppa, whose image had never ceased to trouble his conscience, and, if possible, convey him to the neighbourhood of some port whence he could easily return to Ratinga.

This man now disposed his warriors in commanding positions as they came trooping in, obedient to the call, and bade them keep out of sight and watch his signals from the beach. But now let us see what vessel it was that caused such commotion in Ratinga. She was a brig, with nothing particularly striking in her rig or appointments a mere trading vessel.

A missionary not worth nothing without hees wife." Marie sympathised heartily with this sentiment, but pointed out that it was too long and dangerous a voyage to be undertaken in a canoe, and that it was probable the mission ship would revisit Ratinga ere long, in which case the voyage could be undertaken in comfort and safety.