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Occasionally, indeed, he consults me as to Randal Leslie, in whom, as your special protege, he takes considerable interest." "That, too, surprises me. Well, I am weary of perplexing myself. This place is hateful; after to-morrow I shall leave it, and breathe in peace. You have seen the reports of the canvass; I have had no heart to inspect them. Is the election as safe as they say?"

My nephew, Frank Hazeldean, proposes to marry Madame di Negra against his father's consent? How could you suffer him to entertain an idea so wild? And how never confide it to me?" RANDAL. "My dear Mr. Egerton, it is only to-day that I was informed of Frank's engagement.

I see through the hearts of the admirers you parade before me, and know that not one of them would shelter with his ermine the woman to whom he talks of his heart. Ah," continued Beatrice, with a softness of which she was unconscious, but which might have been extremely dangerous to youth less steeled and self-guarded than was Randal Leslie's, "ah, I am less ambitious than you suppose.

DICK. "I don't know as to honour; but he has now taken a fancy to public life, at least so he said no later than this morning before we went into the hall; and I trust that matters will come right. Indeed, I left him with Parson Dale, who promised me that he would use all his best exertions to reconcile Leonard and my Lord, and that Leonard should do nothing hastily." RANDAL. "But why should Mr.

The minister and his protege were seated at breakfast, the first reading the newspaper, the last glancing over his letters; for Randal had arrived to the dignity of receiving many letters, ay, and notes, too, three- cornered and fantastically embossed. Egerton uttered an exclamation, and laid down the newspaper. Randal looked up from his correspondence.

The original was in one of Burley's broad, coarse, but telling burlesques, strained fine through Randal's more polished satire. It was capital. Harley smiled, and lifted his eyes to Randal. The unlucky plagiarist's face was flushed, the beads stood on his brow.

"Won't ask, shan't have," said Lady Elizabeth. "Will Sir Randal Bellamy be here to lunch?" asked the girl. "I hope so, my dear. He's with Dick or was sitting on the bed to keep him down till the doctor came. He's like a hen with one chick over that brother of his." And Lady Elizabeth Bruffin laughed. "I think it's it's beautiful," said Amaryllis, with a shade of indignation in her voice.

But Riccabocca had already learned that the fancied spy was but his neighbour Leonard; and, without so saying, he cleverly contrived to make the supposition of such espionage an additional reason for the cessation of Leslie's visits. Randal then, in his own artful, quiet, roundabout way, had sought to find out if any communication had passed between L'Estrange and Riccabocca.

But as soon as Randal entered, the squire detached himself from the group, and, coming to the defeated candidate, shook hands with him heartily. "Cheer up, my boy; 't is no shame to be beaten. Lord L'Estrange says you did your best to win, and man can do no more.

Oh! it will all come right, and they'll all be rasonable in time, even Catty Rooney, I've great hope; and little hope's enough, even for love to live upon. But, hark! there's my brother Phil coming. Stay till I open Who's in it? Randal. Honor. Oh! Randal, is it you? I can't open the door. Randal.