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They have a saying that every Rajput is a king's son, and every Rajputni worthy to be married to an emperor. It was in that atmosphere that Yasmini learned she must either use her wits or be outwitted, and women begin young to assert their genius in the East.

"All this is known, Sahib, and that she, with the courage of a Rajputni, drained the cup that contained the poison brewed from poppy leaves, and died with a smile on her lips, saying, 'Do not cry, mother; to give my life for my country is nothing. That is the known story, Sahib. But what Hunsa related was that Kumari did not die, but lives, and has the name of Bootea the Gulab."

But I down in my deepest places I am still Rajputni. Just the same as after twenty-three years of English wife, I am still in my heart like the 'Queen who stood erect!" On the word she rose and confronted him, smiling into his troubled eyes; grace of girlhood and dignity of womanhood adorably mingled in her pose. "Who was she?" Nevil asked, willingly lured from thoughts of Jane. "Careless one!

"Bring the leg-of-mutton bone of yesterday." "That is for soup today." "Bring it!" Chamu was standing between Tom Tripe and the Rajputni, with his back to the latter; so nobody saw the hand that slipped something into the ample folds of his sash. He departed muttering by way of the steps and the garden, and the dog growled acknowledgment of the compliment.

Narayan shall save this child for the time that will surely come. And for us what shall we do? I die for Chitor!" And like the hollow waves of a great sea they answered him, "We will die for Chitor." There was silence and Marwar spoke. "The women?" "Do they not know the duty of a Rajputni?" said the King. "My household has demanded that the caves be prepared."

Hardly has the enthusiastic amateur sat down to delineate the stately pile of the palace, soaring aloft amid its enveloping greenery, than he is attracted by a fascinating glimpse of the lake, where, perhaps, a royal elephant comes down to drink, or a crimson-clad bevy of Rajputni lasses stoop to fill their brazen chatties with much chatter and laughter.

It could all be easily arranged, the Rana yielding to pressure to save Mewar, and dreading the sin of being guilty of the death of his daughter. Even the Gulab is like a Princess of the Sesodias like a Rajputni of the highest caste." "Indeed she is, Captain Sahib, the quality of breeding never lies."

Many princes were rivals for her hand; but none would she call "lord" save the man who restored to her father the Kingdom snatched from him by an Afghan marauder. "On the faith of a Rajput, I will restore it," said Prithvi Raj. So, in the faith of a Rajputni, she married him: and together, by a daring device, they fulfilled her vow.

Saluting with martinet precision before removing his helmet, he did not get a clear view of the Rajputni. "As I've said many times, ma'am, the one house in the world where Tom Tripe may sit down with princes and commissioners." "Have you had breakfast?" He made a wry face. "The old story, Tom?" "The old story, ma'am. A hair of the dog that bit me is all the breakfast I could swallow."

Lady Sinclair, herself, never guessed that, in the vivid imaginations of both children, she herself was the ever-varying incarnation of the fairy princesses and Rajputni heroines of her own tales.