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With the raindrop the clue she had been seeking had come to her. Andreas had said there might very likely be landslips, and who could say that there might not have been one on the hillside above Malans? Anna had often heard her father say that, though he could climb the steep ascent with his burden, he should be sorry to have to go down with it.

Not his poetry, but his science follows the raindrop from the roof to the rivulet, on to the river, then to the ocean, then into vapor and on into rain down into the earth, then up into the tree, out into the orange, until it finally reappears as a drop of juice upon the rosy lip of his little six-year-old.

These inexpert eyes, delicately baffled, detain for an instant the image that puzzles them, and so dally with the bright progress of a meteor, and part slowly from the slender course of the already fallen raindrop, whose moments are not theirs.

I heard the soft stir and rustle of leaves all about me, and down from heaven came a breath of wind, and in the wind a great raindrop that touched my burning brow like the finger of God. And, leaning there, with parted lips and closed eyes, gradually my madness left me, and the throbbing in my brain grew less.

And then the sun, lower now by two hours than when it was first hidden by the cloud, shone out clear and bright. Instantly everything glistened as with millions of diamonds. Even the air seemed to be filled with them, as though each raindrop was turned into a jewel as it fell. Uncle Robert went to the front of the house and looked toward the dark cloud that was now piled up in the eastern sky.

"Then, the spark which I call myself, goes back to Nature, as the cloud gives the raindrop back to the sea from whence the sun drew it." "A lie, man!" answered the other hotly. "Perhaps. It matters nothing. God if there be a God will not blame me for making a mistake. Meantime I live like the rook and the thrush.

He had counted the five hundred and fiftieth raindrop that clung to the red life-belt at the rail when he saw the young Scotchman next him look at his watch. "What time do you make it?" asked Percival, and his voice sounded almost strange to him. "Eleven," said the man, getting to his feet; "aboot time for the fun to begin in the bathing-tank."

I wisht that I wore feathers, too, Then I'd stay out doors you bet. "The raindrop fairy is my newest fairy. I'll tell Allee all about it when she gets well enough so's I can go home. They are very wet but it aint their fault. If they wuz dry they wouldnt be water.

The Scotch heart, reader, can be moved to its depths by the sight of a raindrop or the sound of a wet rag. And meantime Hannah, the beautiful Highland girl, was singing. The fresh young voice rose high above the rain. Even the birds seemed to pause to listen, and as they listened to the simple words of the Gaelic folk-song, fell off the bough with a thud on the grass.

"I'd like to have them." "I ain't much at writing letters," he went on, "but I'll send you the pictures, and you write and tell me how things are going." She laughed softly, and followed the zigzag course of the raindrop with her finger. "I wouldn't have very much to say," she said, speaking with a little hesitation, and without looking around. "Max and I never do much."