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In writers on the subject we are discussing, we find many positive assertions about the diminution of rain in countries which have been stripped of wood within the historic period, but these assertions very rarely rest upon any other proof than the doubtful recollection of unscientific observers, and I am unable to refer to a single instance where the records of the rain-gauge, for a considerable period before and after the felling or planting of extensive woods, can be appealed to in support of either side of the question.

Frank and Donald picked them up and placed them about the rain-gauge until it stood firm. "Well, these stones are of some use after all," said Frank. "I'm glad of it," said Donald. "It seemed as though we should never get them all picked up. I believe stones grow." "These stones tell a wonderful story," said Uncle Robert, smiling. "Oh, uncle, when are you going to tell it to us?

We passed through patches of brackens five feet high and gingers in flower, and were in a damp cloud all day. Now and then a drizzle falls in these parts, but it keeps all damp only, and does not show in the rain-gauge. Neither sun nor stars appear. 27th and 28th December, 1868. Remain on Sunday, then march and cross five rivulets about four yards wide and knee deep, going to the Lofunso.

A fourth planting shared the same hard fate, and then some of the knowing ones discovered the cause of the clouds being frightened away: our unlucky rain-gauge in the garden. We got a bad name through that same rain-gauge, and were regarded by many as a species of evil omen. The Makololo in turn blamed the people of Tette for drought: "A number of witches live here, who won't let it rain."

Hucks kept his Counting House replete, and even crowded, with chattels, some of which are reckoned among the necessaries of life, while others such as an accordion, a rain-gauge, and a case of stuffed humming-birds rank rather with its superfluities. Of others again you wondered how on earth they had been taken in Mr. Hucks's drag-net.

Never had such rain been known in Sisa-Land. All that afternoon it poured, and all the night with ever-increasing violence; yes, and all the following morning, so that by noon Thomas's rain-gauge showed that over twelve inches had fallen in about twenty-four hours, and it was still raining.

During my stay at Tungu, from the 23rd to the 30th of July, no day passed without much deposition of moisture, but generally in so light a form that throughout the whole time but one inch was registered in the rain-gauge; during the same time four inches and a half of rain fell at Dorjiling, and three inches and a half at Calcutta.

I have a little book somewhere that tells just how it should be done." Susie was delighted at the thought of such a day with Uncle Robert, and the boys were so interested in the prospect of having a rain-gauge of their own that they could hardly wait for to-morrow to come. The next morning Frank harnessed Nell for Uncle Robert and Susie to drive into the village to see the tinsmith.

Gray, respectable men, with daughters married, leaped over fences and sprang back, prominent legislators hopped howling up and down door-steps, women waved handkerchiefs from windows and porches, the chattering Jode flew from anemometer to rain-gauge, and old Judge Burrage apostrophized Providence in his front yard, with the postmaster's label still pinned to his back.

"I don't know how," she said. "Uncle," said Frank, "in the weather reports they always tell how much rain falls, even if it is only a small part of an inch. How can they tell when it is so little?" "They have what is called a rain gauge, by which a very small amount of rainfall can be measured. By the way, we might have a rain-gauge of our own.