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And I give it as my decided humble opinion, founded on irrefragable experience, which is what I always build upon, that the way to ruin the poor of Ireland would be to educate them, sir. Look at the poor scholars, as they call themselves; and what are they? a parcel of young vagabonds in rags, with a book under their arm instead of a spade or a shovel, sir.

With fingers weary and worn, With eyelids heavy and red, A woman sat, in unwomanly rags, Plying her needle and thread Stitch! stitch! stitch! In poverty, hunger, and dirt; And still with a voice of dolorous pitch She sang the "Song of the Shirt!" "Work! work! work! While the cock is crowing aloof! And work work work, Till the stars shine through the roof!

Musty and fusty enough they were, and Mary often turned her head aside as she sorted them carefully, putting the good rags into a huge basket that stood beside her on the floor, while the bits of woollen cloth, of paper and string and other refuse, went into different compartments of the sorting-table, which was something like an old-fashioned box-desk.

He believes that a man may be the son of a ciociaro a fellow who ties his legs up in rags and thongs, and lives on goats' milk in the mountains and that if he has brains enough, or talent enough, he may marry any woman he likes without ever thinking whether she is noble or not.

When I came to this counthree, I had never a rag to me back, an' now, faith, I'm nothing but rags. A fine, illigant counthree!" "Lave the liquor alone, Peter Barry, and ye may have the best of the land for yerself. An' ye would give up the dhrinking, a better lad could not be found, nor a handsomer." "It's too sthrong for me.

They had high hats, healthy pale faces, dark overcoats and shiny boots; they held in their gloved hands thin umbrellas and hastily folded evening papers that resembled stiff, dirty rags of greenish, pinkish, or whitish colour. Alvan Hervey stepped out with the rest, a smouldering cigar between his teeth.

They lie in the sunshine; they dabble in the sea; they wear bright rags; they fall into attitudes and harmonies; they assist at an eternal <i>conversazione</i>. It is not easy to say that one would have them other than they are, and it certainly would make an immense difference should they be better fed.

Lying awake with back that burned beneath its lotioned rags, when lights were low, in the breathful silence of the hospital, he registered in his heart a terrible oath that he would die ere he would again be made such hideous sport for his enemies.

Your appearance is disgraceful both to yourself and me to me because you are in rags, to yourself because you are dirty. I had never dreamt of this. Henceforth all must be changed.

One produced from his pocket an object deeply wrapped in a bundle of rags and hide, which finally proved to be an old brass watch, which he consulted anxiously. "Him sleep," he remarked, shaking the watch and putting it to his ear. By this Rob knew that he meant that the watch had stopped. "I knew he could talk," said John. "Ask him where we can get something to eat. I'm getting awful hungry."