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They would find plenty for her to do; there were many gaieties in Radstowe and she would be welcomed everywhere. 'And now about your clothes, Caroline repeated. 'You are wearing black, of course. Well, black can be very pretty, very French. Look at Rose. She rarely wears anything else, but when Sophia and I were about your age, she used to wear blue and I wore pink, or the other way round.

Marriage opened the only door, but not marriage with Francis Sales, not marriage with anyone she knew in Radstowe, and her stepsisters had no inclination to leave the home of their youth, the scene of their past successes, for her sake.

'How can I? she demanded. There was too much between them: the figure of Francis Sales was too solid. She set out as she had intended the next afternoon. It was full spring-time now and Radstowe was gay and sweet with flowering trees.

Nevertheless, she said as he sat down, 'Charles, I'm going to London to-night. Get a time-table. 'Soup first, he said. 'I must go to-night. I can't go back to Radstowe. 'Did you, he asked unexpectedly, 'leave a note on your dressing-table? 'What? She frowned. 'No, of course not. 'Oh, well, you can go back. We're going to a concert together. It's quite easy.

He had watched many Upper Radstowe children from the perambulator stage, and to him she remarked on the weather, as she had done to the red-faced man at the other end. It was a beautiful day; they were having a wonderful spring; it would soon be summer, she said, but on repetition these words sounded false and intensely dreary. It would soon be summer, but what did that mean to her?

Banks said hopelessly, and on Henrietta's journey to Radstowe it was of Mrs. Banks that she chiefly thought. It seemed as though she were deserting a friend.

So it came about that the three sisters once more sat in a hired carriage and drove to Sales Hall. On the box was the son of the man who had driven them years ago, and though the carriage was a new one and the old horse had long been metamorphosed into food for the wild animals in the Radstowe Zoo, this expedition was in many ways a repetition of the other.

Her hope was that Henrietta would not try to cap them, but the chances were that she would be a terrible young person, that she would find herself adrift in the respectability of Radstowe where she was unlikely to meet those young men, not of the right kind, to whom she was accustomed. 'She must have her father's room, Sophia said. She was trying to conceal her excitement.

In those blue eyes, bluer, and more than ever wary, Rose saw the questions which were never asked. In the bedroom which, with the boudoir, had been furnished and decorated by the best shop in Radstowe, for a surprise, Christabel lay on a couch near the window, with a nurse in attendance, the puppy and the kitten, both growing staid, for company.

I've a lot to be thankful for; and, my dear, her voice sank, and she laid a plump hand on Henrietta's 'Mr. Batty says we may give a ball after Christmas. Everybody in Radstowe. We shall take the Assembly Rooms. The date isn't fixed, and now and then, if he isn't feeling well, Mr. Batty says he can't afford it. But that's nonsense, we shall have it; but don't say a word.