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"Suppose Lucy and Beckie had not happened to be in the same school," I jested, addressing myself to the two women. "What would you have done then?" "This shows that we have a good God in heaven," Sadie returned, radiantly. "He put the children in the same school so that we might meet." "'A providential match," I observed. "May it last for many, many years," Sadie returned, devoutly "Say, women!"

"I never was scared in my life that I know of, and I'm not going to begin with my very own aunt. I rather like a fizzle now and then it freshens one up. Don't you worry about me! I'm quite able to stand up for myself." She pushed open the gate of The Nook as she spoke and sauntered up the path; laughing, bareheaded, radiantly unashamed.

His life seemed to have drawn near to eternity; every thought, word, and deed, every instance of consciousness could be made to revibrate radiantly in heaven; and at times his sense of such immediate repercussion was so lively that he seemed to feel his soul in devotion pressing like fingers the keyboard of a great cash register and to see the amount of his purchase start forth immediately in heaven, not as a number but as a frail column of incense or as a slender flower.

Mollie held up her rosy lips tempting and sweet and the woman stooped and kissed her. "You are my best friend," Mollie said, simply. "God bless you!" The woman smiled. "Nay, the kiss and the blessing, if meant for your best friend, should have been kept for Hugh Ingelow. I but obey his orders." Mollie turned radiantly red. Mrs.

He gave them a notion of what the rapture of a man reprieved from death might be, and he was as radiantly happy in the ill health which had got him his release as if it had been the greatest blessing of heaven.

Was it not the greatest triumph of his reign to have the unanimous vote of all France this overwhelming proof of his popularity? As he stood there smiling, with a gracious acknowledgment of the many compliments, he looked radiantly happy to thus receive the homage of his country. As the Emperor passed near me I added my congratulations, to which he replied, "Merci, je suis bien heureux."

Boyd had barely seen them comfortably established on board, when up the ship's gangway came "Fingerless" Fraser radiantly attired, three heavily laden hotel porters groaning at his back, the customary thick-waisted cigar between his teeth. "Are you going with us?" Boyd inquired. "Sure." "See here. Is life one long succession of surprise parties with you?" "Why, I've figgered on this right along."

They, too, had shifted their positions and were looking at her with one undisguised expression of pride and love; and they smiled as she smiled radiantly back at them, waving a last adieu with her spray of rose and turning quickly in a dread of foolish tears. "Isabel." It was the youthful voice of her grandmother. She faced them again with a little frown of feigned impatience.

What is past, is past. There is no use fretting over it any longer," Mr Bertrand had said; and Hilary found so little difficulty in following his advice and being radiantly happy, that she felt a pang of remorse when suddenly confronted by Lettice's pale face, and reminded thereby of her sadness and Arthur Newcome's suffering.

In the morning, when the nurse opened the blinds, that sunlight swept radiantly into the room, lavish with its caresses; always spending, always giving, the symbol of a loving care that had been poured out on her, unasked and unsought. It was sweet to rest, to sleep.