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But Italy was not then united; she was not strong enough to encounter her oppressor; the bayonets of Radetzky re-imposed the Austrian domination; the princess was compelled to fly, and her estates were confiscated. During the insurrectionary fever at Rome, in 1849, she fearlessly made her way into the very midst of the fighting-men, and in her own person directed the ambulances.

He offered his breast to the minions of Radetzky " "You are speaking of the Marquis Aslitta," said Haydee, gently. "Yes, of him, and if you knew my past you would understand that it is the love I bear for him which keeps me alive." "Speak freely, sister," whispered the handsome Greek, "perhaps I can help you." "I am a Frenchwoman by birth," said the diva, timidly.

This proclamation was a great mistake, as it created distrust between Venice and Piedmont. The war with Austria was carried on with the utmost inefficiency by Charles Albert; he wasted every opportunity and gave himself up to fasting and prayer, and defeated, he had to submit to the terms of Radetzky to obtain an armistice which stipulated for the evacuation of Lombardy, the Duchies and Venetia.

The Poliziotti was intensely hated in Milan because it was mainly filled with renegades Italians who sold themselves to Radetzky. While the fight was going on about the building, Bartolomeo and the corporal were sitting in a room playing cards. The major permitted his pupil to win and lose at times.

Then, after riding post-haste northwards to the Russian headquarters at Gornisstuden, he was at once taken to the Czar's tent, and noted the look of eager suspense on his face until he heard the reassuring news that Radetzky kept his seat firm on the pass. The worst was now over. The Russian Guards, 50,000 strong, were near at hand, along with the other reinforcements above named.

The marquis took his seat, and the count, unrolling a paper, said in an earnest voice: "I can bring you a piece of news which Marshal Radetzky has just received; a revolution has broken out in Vienna, and at this very hour the viceroy is leaving Milan." A murmur of astonishment ran through the assembly.

The Austrian army to the number of one hundred seventy thousand men besides those remaining in the Lombardo-Venetian fortresses was commanded by General Gyulai, the successor of Radetzky, who had died the year before, at the age of ninety-one. Gyulai meant to attack and rout the Sardinian army before it could join its French allies.

"You have the key of the vault which contains the arms and ammunition?" Ali nodded. "Go and show the Marquis of Sante-Croce the way to the vaults. Arm the patriots, marquis, and believe my words, before night Radetzky will give up the fight and to-morrow will leave Milan. Stop, one instant yet; I told the patriots that the Marquis Aslitta would lead them. I have kept my word. See for yourself.

He would have become the hero of the great political movement which his country had inaugurated, and his sword would have outweighed the batons of Radetzky and Paskevitsch. Both principle and selfishness pointed to such intervention, and there can be no doubt that the Republican Dictator seriously thought of it.

He was still pale and exhausted, but he swung his sword and joyfully exclaimed: "Radetzky has fled. The citadel has surrendered." The Italians embraced each other. Their dream was realized. Milan was free. "Papa," whispered Spero, "come with me. There is a man lying over there who sacrificed himself for me."