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Good many tickets been lost on that bar, Matt, so you ought to have more than a nodding acquaintance with it. You're going second mate in the Quickstep.

It was the last sentence which bleeding hearts supply to lips at moments of farewell: "Write to me." And the supercilious little quickstep went on: Yankee Doodle came to town Riding on a pony, Stuck a feather in his Hat, And called it macaroni.

I think you'll like the Quickstep, Matt." "It doesn't matter whether I do or not," Matt replied humorously. "You always do things for me without consulting me anyhow." "Why, you don't mind, do you, my boy? It's all for your own good." "I can bear it, sir, because one of these bright days I'm going to do something without consulting you." Cappy favored him with a sharp glance.

Finally the heavy train began slowly to pull out, its occupants raised a mighty cheer, the trumpeters sounded their liveliest quickstep, and those left behind, waving their handkerchiefs and shouting words of farewell, felt their eyes fill with sudden tears. Until this moment the war had been merely a subject for careless discussion, a thing remote from them and only affecting far-away people.

The trouble lay in the fact that the Quickstep carried passengers. While she was a cargo boat, and hence had no regular run or sailing schedule, her cabin accommodations were really very good and her steward's department excelled that of the regular passenger boats.

The anthems for the Queen's funeral and, as it turned out, for Purcell's own can also be dated in the same way, but they fall into a later period. During these ten years fifteen odes were set, including the notable Yorkshire Feast Song, also the music for "the Lord Mayor's show of 1682," and the Quickstep, which afterwards became famous when the words "Lillibulero" were adapted to it.

"Gee! you oughtta be writing scare heads for the Evening Gazette!" Hattie Krakow ran her hand over her smooth salt-and-pepper hair and sold a marked-down flannelette petticoat. "I can't throw no scare into you so long as you got him on your mind. Oh, lud! There he starts now that quickstep dance again!"

The music of battle, wild and terrible as it was to these untutored soldiers, charmed away the weariness of the body, and, to the quickstep of thundering cannon and crashing musketry, they pressed on with elastic tread to the horrors before them. Tom felt that he had suddenly and miraculously been made over anew.

Three weeks later, when making up to a dock at San Pedro, a strong ebb tide and a mistake in judgment swung the bow of the Quickstep into the end of the dock and a dolphin was torn out. In the fullness of time the Blue Star Navigation Company was in receipt of a bill for $112 dock repairs, whereupon Mr.

Hum! Ahem! Harump-h-h-h! Call up the attorney for that man Jacobsen that's suing the Quickstep, and tell him to come down here with his man and we'll settle the case out of court. His charge lies against Kjellin for assault and battery, but after all, Skinner, I dare say we are in a measure responsible for our servants.