United States or Saint Pierre and Miquelon ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

Buying and selling, serving and being served women. On every floor, in every aisle, at every counter, women. In the vast restaurant, which covers several acres, women. Waiting their turn at the long line of telephone booths, women. Capably busy at the switch boards, women. Down in the basement buying and selling bargains in marked-down summer frocks, women.

"Well, I'm sure those two ideas are worth a great deal," returned Boswell, making a note of them; "I shall announce four trips to Monday sales " "Call 'em 'To Bargaindale and Back: The Great Marked-down Tour, and be sure you add, 'For Able-bodied Women Only.

He was crushed and crumpled but found himself ultimately on a stool in the rear of the store. No; he didn't want any marked-down collars or cuffs; he conveyed an impression to the solicitous clerk of some one waiting for some one. Patiently, uncomplainingly! With an unseeing eye for the hurrying and scurrying myriads! Time passed; he remained oblivious to the babble of voices.

One of the free sights of Paris is a frugal Frenchman, with his face extensively haired over, pawing like a Skye terrier through a heap of marked-down lingerie; picking out things for the female members of his household to wear now testing some material with his tongue; now holding a most personal article up in the sunlight to examine the fabric while the wife stands humbly, dumbly by, waiting for him to complete his selections.

"Gee! you oughtta be writing scare heads for the Evening Gazette!" Hattie Krakow ran her hand over her smooth salt-and-pepper hair and sold a marked-down flannelette petticoat. "I can't throw no scare into you so long as you got him on your mind. Oh, lud! There he starts now that quickstep dance again!"

Bowse, and had re- covered it herself with a remnant of crimson stuff secured from a miscellaneous heap at a marked-down sale at a department store. She had arranged his books and papers adroitly and had kept them in their places so that he never felt himself obliged to search for any one of them.

While he was bending with a scholarly stoop over the marked-down miscellany of cast-off literature, old Tom the caliph sauntered by. He descended the two shallow stone steps that led from the sidewalk, and addressed without hesitation the object of his designed munificence. His first words were no worse than salutatory and tentative.

To outwit such practices the company not only printed their name on the dials of their watches but they carefully printed the exact price on the boxes in which they were packed. You would have thought this would have forever put at an end any foul play, wouldn't you? But even these precautions were circumvented by sharpers who advertised their wretched wares as marked-down Ingersolls.

"I suppose I'll have to," grumbled the boss; "but you should have thought of that before you moved." "I did," confided the bookkeeper to the stenographer a little later, "and that's the reason I moved." A three-hundred-pound man stood gazing longingly at the nice things displayed in a haberdasher's window for a marked-down sale.

The auriferous tooth, the sedentary disposition, the Sunday afternoon wanderlust, the draught upon the delicatessen store for home-made comforts, the furor for department store marked-down sales, the feeling of superiority to the lady in the third-floor front who wore genuine ostrich tips and had two names over her bell, the mucilaginous hours during which she remained glued to the window sill, the vigilant avoidance of the instalment man, the tireless patronage of the acoustics of the dumb-waiter shaft all the attributes of the Gotham flat-dweller were hers.