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"I was resting," he explained, as they walked on. "It is good to rest like that in mind and body; to keep out thoughts and let the dreams come as they will." "De bes' place ter res' is on yo' own do' step," Big Abel responded, and quickening their pace, they went more rapidly over the rough clay roads.

Pictures shone and faded in the amber light the shaggy tipped plateau, the dark pines and smoky canyons, the great dotted downward slopes, the yellow cliffs and crags. Deep in those live pupils, changing, quickening with a thousand vibrations, quivered the soul of this savage beast, the wildest of all wild Nature, unquenchable love of life and freedom, flame of defiance and hate.

They will be but the outstanding individuals in a very universal quickening.

Yet, all unconsciously, life was quickening in her pulses; the old magic of Spring was stirring in her, too. Dark and deep, the waters of the river rolled dreamily by, waiting for the impulse which should send the shallows singing to the sea, and stir the depths to a low, murmurous symphony.

He griped it with such force that, stout-hearted and hardy as she was, she cried out in alarm and pain, "Oh, don't! you hurt me you hurt me!" He dropped her hand directly, and turned his face away from her; his breath quickening painfully, his fingers fastening on the side of his chair, as if some great pang of oppression were trying him to the quick.

"I had plenty of delightful chat with St Aubyn, and then a visitor came in. It's that that I want to talk about." "A visitor, eh?" said Aunt Charlotte, her attention quickening. "What sort of a visitor? A lady?" "Yes, an old lady," replied Austin, "who " "Did she come in an open fly?" pursued Aunt Charlotte, helping herself to sauce. "Why, how did you know? I believe she did," said Austin.

She stood under a little popple tree, whose leaves shook musically at every zephyr, and her eyes through half-shut lids roved over the sea of deep-green glossy leaves, dappled here and there by cloud-shadows, stirred here and there like water by the wind, and out of it all a longing to be free from such toil rose like a breath, filling her throat, and quickening the motion of her heart.

He had strolled almost to the barrier and was in the act of turning back when something some impulse for which he could never afterwards account induced him to pause and take stock of the passengers passing through. The train was almost due to start, and there was some slight confusion and a quickening of feet on the platform.

'I that speak unto thee am He. That is to say, the kindling of desire, the proffer of the all-satisfying gift, the quickening of conscience, the revelation of a Father to be worshipped in spirit and in truth, and the final full disclosure of His person and office as the Giver of the gift which shall slake all the thirsts of men these are the stages of His self-revelation.

As we followed the trail that wound up and into the heart of these rounded hills and ever nearer to the purple mountains, the morning breeze swept down to meet us, bearing a thousand scents, and filling us with its own fresh life. One can know the quickening joyousness of these Foothill breezes only after he has drunk with wide-open mouth, deep and full of them.