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With quick-beating pulse I retraced my steps; and soon rejoined my companion, who stood awaiting me with trembling apprehension. I did not need to tell her the result of my reconnoissance: she read it in my looks. She, too, had heard the baying of the dogs.

In an instant he had whirled about and the door was closed with a bang. She started forward, her hand pressed to her quick-beating heart, real fear in her eyes. What was in his mind? Was this insanity? She had read of men driven mad by disappointment who brutally set upon and killedBut he was facing her now, and she stopped short.

With quick-beating pulses we fixed the rope and shouted directions down the slippery passage to the girls and the Professor, and inside of ten minutes they were beside us, looking out with frightened eyes at the coloured wall of the opposite side of the pit.

They were now quitting the town, and Peak, unwilling to appear before strangers in a state of profuse perspiration, again moderated his friend's speed. They began to talk about the surrounding country, a theme which occupied them until the house was reached. With quick-beating heart, Godwin found himself at the gate by which he had already twice passed.

Try as she valiantly did, the old lady felt her quick-beating heart falter before Joan's earnest, searching gaze. It was a relief to turn to Nancy and permit her eyes to dim and soften. "My dear, my dear," she said to Doris, "how like dear Merry the baby is! Just so, I recall " Doris's face grew strained and ashy. "Please," she implored, "please, Aunt Emily don't!"

With heart quick-beating, Beltane turned and beheld the Duchess Helen standing beside him, her glorious hair wrought into two long braids wherein flowers were cunningly entwined. Straightway he would have risen, but she forbade him with a gesture and, coming closer, sank beside him on her knees, and being there blushed and sighed, yet touched him not.

Then he paused... his voice laughed a little, and he spoke of his people.... Nobody could have quite told what he said to them about his people. But flutes sang. The sound of feet was on the grass touching it in tune swift-flitting feet that paused and held a rhythmic measure while it swung. Quick-beating feet across the green. Shadowy forms.

Strike up, you mummies, or you pay yourselves for what you drink to-night. Soul of desires!" as the musicians grabbed up their instruments, and a leaping, lilting, quick-beating air went rollicking out over the hubbub "a quadrille, you angels of inspiration! Partners, gentlemen! Partners, ladies! A quadrille! A quadrille!"

With a quick-beating heart she stepped softly inside, and went to kneel at the nearer coffin, and cover her face with her shaking hands. The thick sweetness of the wet leaves and blossoms enveloped her. Candles were burning; there was no other light.

"Will you be able to finish it?" she asked. "Sure an' I will only don't you be afther stayin' here any longer." At this Ethel stole back to Minnie's room, and stood listening with a quick-beating heart. But the priest worked coolly and dextrously. He felt for the holes to which the screws belonged, and succeeded in putting in two of them. Then there was a noise in the hall below.