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We drove them out many years ago." "How about Il Duca?" "And who is that, signore?" "Don't you know?" "I assure you we have no official knowledge of such a person. There are dukes in Sicily, to be sure; but 'Il Duca' means nothing. Perhaps you can tell me to whom you refer?" "See here," said the lawyer, brusquely; "I know your methods, questore mia, but they won't prove effective in this case.

It is the arbitress in the choice of good and evil and is under no obligation to render an account of its doings to any one.... In war time we are certain to feel greatly hampered by the meshes of such a firmly woven net." This anticipation has since come true. Professor Bondi, ex-Questor of Milan. Rivelazioni postume alle Memorie di un questore, 1913. Cf.

Tor di Rocca leant against the wall; he was unhurt, but he felt a little faint and sick for the moment. Hurriedly he rehearsed what he should say to the Questore presently. He had met the girl in this house of his; Avenel, her lover, had broken in upon them; he had shot her and fired at the Prince himself, but without effect, and he had killed him in self-defence.

The Questore, or chief of police, was of opinion that it was the ciphers of which the thieves had been in search, and was much relieved to hear that they were in safekeeping far away in Downing Street.