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"You looking for him, Jim?" "No. But I've got a hunch he's looking for me." "Just how bad do you think he wants to see you?" queried Baxter, tilting back his swing-chair and glancing sideways at The Spider. "About as bad as I want to see him," said The Spider. "You haven't been in town for quite a while, Jim." "No. Fifteen years, I reckon." "You don't change much."

The cat-skins are all right. The coyote ain't worth much." "All right. I I'm needin' the money right now," stammered Pete "or I'd give 'em to you." "How you making it?" queried Roth. "Fine! But I was thinkin' o' makin' a change. Sheep is all right but I'm sick o' the smell of 'em. Montoya is all right, too. It ain't that."

Suddenly his hands gripped the bench, and he trembled violently. "Don Mike is dead?" old Pablo queried softly. He possessed all the acute intuition of a primitive people. Don Miguel did not reply; so presently Pablo turned his head and gazed up into the master's face.

And had he not lived in prosperity with them ever since? Timothy started at the faëry number. "Twinty-one years? So 'tis, Father an' more! 'Tis twinty-one years to-day since I came, aven and true the seventh day of October. Sure, somethin' ought to happen on such a day oughtn't it?" "Happen?" queried Father Delancey.

"This way, sir!" he panted. "I saved a special box stall, in the first stable, for your collie." "YOU saved it?" queried the puzzled Master, while the Mistress began to unfasten Lad's leash. "How did you happen to do that?" "I was told to, sir," answered the boy. "A a gentleman told me to, just now. One of the of'cers of the club. I don't know his name.

"You still maintain that farce?" he queried. "I assure you that for me it has long since lost its novelty." Collins took a step toward the door. "Shall I show you out?" he asked. "No not yet," and Tellier smiled provokingly. "You would really better let me show you out," said Collins, quietly. "In another moment, I shall probably kick you out."

"As they bark in Athens?" he queried. "Yes, of course." "If I am ever criticized," he asked, "will you be my defender?" "I shan't hear you criticized." "How do you know that?" "I do know it," she said, looking at him with her honest brown eyes; "nobody will criticize you when I am there." He caught hold of her hand. "And you? Don't you often criticize me silently? I'm sure you do.

"But why, then," queried the child, "do all the people praise and call on him; why do the birds sing of the king; and why do the brooks always prattle his name, as they dance from the hills to the sea?" "Nay," answered Rodolph, "you imagine these things; there is no king. Believe me, child, there is no king."

The flames repeatedly have been known to overtake horses on the gallop, and where there are no other means of escape the peril is extreme." "But will green trees burn so fast?" the older boy queried in surprise. "I should have thought they were so full of sap that they wouldn't burn at all."

With twelve of the clock came Darden, quite sober, distrait in manner and uneasy of eye, and presently interrupted Mistress Stagg's flow of conversation by a demand to speak with his wife alone. At that time of day the garden was a solitude, and thither the two repaired, taking their seats upon a bench built round a mulberry-tree. "Well?" queried Mistress Deborah bitterly. "I suppose Mr.