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Then he tells us how his people were at first called Winils; and how they came out of Scania Insula. Sweden is often, naturally, an island with the early chroniclers; only the south was known to them. The north was magical, unknown, Quenland, the dwelling-place of Yotuns, Elves, Trolls, Scratlings, and all other uncanny inhumanities.

"I will make a charm that will bring him to you, were all the icebergs of Quenland between you and him: and then you can see for yourself." "No, no, no! not yet, nurse!" and Torfrida smiled. "Only find me out that one thing: that I must know." And yet why she wanted to know, she could not tell herself. The old woman came back to her, ere she went to bed. "I have found it out all, and more.

Even allowing both charter and bull to be genuine, it is probable that the copy which has come down to our time is interpolated, and that for Gronlandon and Islandon, we ought to read Quenlandon and Hitlandon, meaning the Finlanders and Hitlanders: Quenland being the old name of Finland, and Hitland or Hialtaland the Norwegian name of the Shetland islands.