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But when they were riding side by side again, and the city was coming nearer, he would not be put off for any whim of hers. "If thou hast discovered my secret which I would fain know most worshipful Dama Margherita, I would that thou shouldst proclaim it wherever thy tongue listeth. 'Quel che Iblin è, non si può trovar!"

He was one of those men who were used and despised by their betters, and in using whom Cavour himself was provoked into writing "Se noi facessimo per noi quel che faciamo per l'Italia, saremmo gran bricconi" if we did for ourselves what we do for Italy, we should be great blackguards.

Quel chagrin, quel ennui De compter toute la nuit Les heures, les heures!". The verse appealed to Honora strangely; just as it had appealed to Ibbetson. Was she not, too, a prisoner. And how often, during the summer days and nights, had she listened to the chimes of the Pilgrim Church near by? "One, two, three, four! One, two, three, four!"

"QUEL LOURDEAU! But why do I trouble you with French expressions, which are lost on such an ignoramus? A LOURDEAU, my dear brother, is as we might say a bumpkin, a clown, a clodpole: a fellow without grace, lightness, quickness; any gift of pleasing, any natural brilliancy: such a one as you shall see, when you desire, by looking in the mirror.

Fresh flesh of swine, banquets of ale and new milk. Quel luxe! 'Is that the kind of entertainment you were offering me, Mr. Blake? asked Miss Macrae gaily. 'Mr. Blake, she went on, 'has been inviting me to fly to the undiscovered West beneath the waters, in the magic boat of Bran. 'Did Bran invent the submarine? asked Mr.

When this bewitching Bacchante made her appearance in the ballroom the sensation she created was so great that the dancing stopped instantly; women and men alike climbed on chairs to catch a glimpse of the rare and radiant vision, and murmurs of admiration and envy ran round the salon. Her triumph was complete. In the hush that followed, a voice was heard: "Quel dommage!

To their amazement they saw Roger, after a moment's parley, help the young lady out of the boat, which straight-way returned to the launch; before they had time to exchange wonderments, she was advancing toward them with outstretched arms. "My dearest, dearest Hildegarde! Do I see you again, after so many years? Quel plaisir! what joy!"

Quel jargon metaphysique jete mal a propos dans l'histoire naturelle, qui tombe dans le galimatias des qu'elle sort des idees claires, des idees justes! Quel langage pretentieux et vide! Quelles personifications pueriles et surannees! O lucidite! O solidite de l'esprit Francais, que devenez-vous?"

An obliging hotel clerk clerks were always obliging to Miss Jeffries gave her the number and she slipped into the booth feeling a ridiculous amount of excitement and suspense. She had never telephoned in Cairo only been telephoned to and she was not prepared for the fact that the telephone company was French. At the phone girl's "Numero? Quel numero, s'il vous plait?"

"Ah! she is a wicked woman!" wailed the child. "She has hurt me. She threw me against the table. Maman quel malheur ça se verra. Il y aura certainement une çicatrice!" "Nonsense," Ormiston said harshly. "It's nothing, Kitty, the merest scratch." "Yes, my dear, we will have the carriage at once," this from Mr. Cathcart to his wife.