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As Myles struck and hacked at the pel assigned to him, Sir James Lee stood beside him watching him in grim silence. The lad did his best to show the knight all that he knew of upper cut, under cut, thrust, and back-hand stroke, but it did not seem to him that Sir James was very well satisfied with his skill. "Thou fightest like a clodpole," said the old man. "Ha, that stroke was but ill-recovered.

There lay Tom; hobnail Tom! a bacon- munching, reckless, beer-swilling animal! and yet a man; a dear brave human heart notwithstanding; capable of devotion and unselfishness. The boy's better spirit was touched, and it kindled his imagination to realize the abject figure of poor clodpole Tom, and surround it with a halo of mournful light. His soul was alive.

"Come," thought I, "it's quite time, after that, for the honour of the academy, to beat a retreat, or we shall be beaten hollow by this heavy-shod clodpole. Mr Riprapton," said I, "I don't bear you any malice but I recollect my wager. If I extricate you out of the difficulty, will you own that I have won it?" "Gladly," said he, very sorrowfully.

Polson's heart maddened within him, and he smote his fist upon the unclothed table so that the plates of chipped enamel iron danced from end to end on it. 'You filthy clodpole! he said, rising from his place and thrusting a prognathous jaw and blazing eyes half-way across the table. 'Speak like that again in my hearing, and I'll give you such a hiding as you never had since you were born.

The speech of the rustic Juvenal, Mr. Clodpole, had seemed to infer that Hayes was at once careful of his money and a warm admirer of Mrs. Catherine of the "Bugle:" and both the charges were perfectly true.

Tommy. And did they not beg your pardon for the accident? Harry. Accident! it was no accident at all; for they burst out into a fit of laughter, and called me a little clodpole.

All this was in the bosom of the boy, and through it all the vision of an actual hob-nail Tom, coarse, unkempt, open from ear to ear; whose presence was a finger of shame to him and an oppression of clodpole; yet toward whom he felt just then a loving-kindness beyond what he felt for any living creature. He laughed at him, and wept over him. He prized him, while he shrank from him.

Harum-scarum, clodpole young lairds of the neighbourhood paid him the compliment of a visit. Young Hay of Romanes rode down to call, on his crop-eared pony; young Pringle of Drumanno came up on his bony grey.

"Do you get money enough?" "No, sure." "Do you get beer enough?" "Oh no, NEVER!" said Mr. Bullock quite resolutely. "Worthy Clodpole, give us thy hand: it shall have beer enough this day, or my name's not Corporal Brock.

The learned professions, or black arts, lost at least ninety-five per cent in importance; and so rapid as been the increase of the evil, that, at this time of day, it is a hard matter to impose on any clodpole in Europe!