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He laughed nervously. 'Oh, the meaning's clear enough. It speaks for itself. 'I don't understand, said I. 'I'm pianist to the Brasserie des Quatre Vents. You saw me in the discharge of my duties. 'I don't understand, I repeated helplessly. 'And yet the inference is plain. What could have brought a man to such a pass save drink or evil courses? 'Oh, don't trifle, I implored him.

Monsieur, to whom I am so greatly indebted, honour me with your arm down these stairs. Allons! Vive Henri Quatre!" As we descended the dark and rough stairs, my new companion said, "What an excellent antidote to the effects of the vin de champagne is this same fighting! I feel as if I had not tasted a drop these six hours. What fortune brought you hither, Monsieur?" addressing me.

Errors of life, as well as foibles of characters, are often the real enhancers of celebrity. Without his errors, I doubt whether Henri Quatre would have become the idol of a people. How many Whartons has the world known, who, deprived of their frailties, had been inglorious!

He ordered a good horse and a "quatre roue" to be ready for him at five o'clock; and having parted with Ethel in the manner appropriate even for so brief a separation, he was away for the river in due season.

Napoleon himself was at or close by Charleroi, ten or twelve miles south of Quatre Bras; the mass of his army was at Fleurus, south-west of Sombreffe, with Ligny and St. Amand between it and the Prussians; and Marshal Ney, with Reille's corps, was at Frasnes, opposite to and due south of Quatre Bras.

In the Waterloo campaign he was given the 6th division, forming part of Reille's corps, General Guilleminot being sent with him to prevent any of the awkwardnesses of 1812. His division was engaged with the Prussians on the 15th of June, and at Quatre Bras he was severely wounded.

"Then it is agreed we fight at a barriere," said the Captain Derigny. "What's that, Trevanion?" "We have agreed to place them at a barriere," replied Trevanion. "That's strange," muttered O'Leary to himself, who, knowing that the word meant a "turnpike," never supposed it had any other signification. "Vingt quatre pas, n'est pas," said Derigny. "Too far," interposed Trevanion.

All that night was one continued clamour, for thousands of camp-followers were on their retreat to Brussels, fearful of sticking to the army after the Quatre Bras affair.

The pressure of this dense mass of human beings was suffocating, and the crowd was so great that one poor slave who had fallen overboard in the night, on the voyage, was never missed until the following morning. From the Henri Quatre we went to visit a steam-vessel called the African, which was to sail this afternoon, with 300 persons on board, and as much provisions as she could stow.

At Quatre Bras, not seeing the force he was engaged with, believing he had the whole English army on his hands from the first, he let himself at the beginning of the day be imposed upon by a mere screen of troops.