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Teeny-bits shifted direction to pass him, but the quarter-back was not only wily, but swift; he was after Teeny-bits like a cat and began to force him to run diagonally across the field. Two Wilton players converged on Teeny-bits from the other side and one of them made a desperate tackle.

From across the field, in the sudden comparative stillness of the north stand, thundered the confident slogan of Robinson. The brown-stockinged captain and quarter-back was shouting incessantly: "Steady now, fellows! Break through! Break through! Smash 'em up!" He ran from one end to the other, thumping each encouragingly on the back, whispering threats and entreaties into their ears.

Mark Gridley." "Not Gridley, the famous quarter-back!" exclaimed Ridge, holding out his hand. "That's him," replied Van Kyp. "And aren't you Norris, the gentleman rider?" asked Gridley. "I have ridden," acknowledged Ridge. "So has this my other friend and fellow-soldier," cried Van Kyp. "Norris, I want you to know Mr.

Not that Witter doesn't know the position, for he does; but he's too light. Was there ever such luck? What good is Burr's patent, double-action, self-inking, cylindrical, switch-back defense if we haven't got a line that will hold together long enough for us to get off our toes? It it's rotten luck, that's what it is." And the varsity quarter-back groaned dolorously.

It ended in a bad fumble, however, for steady Thompson went down over the ball on the Gridley forty-five-yard line. "H.S. cheer once more!" bellowed Dick. The High School boys and girls answered with a will, drawing it out so long as to cause the referee to frown. When it ended Badger's signals ripped out fast and clear. The ball came back to Quarter-back Winters.

To the right of the ball on the line stands right-guard, alongside of him is right-tackle, next to him is right-end, then comes right half- back and quarter-back, while stretched out on the line to the left of the ball are the center, left-guard, left-tackle, left-end and left half-back. All these sturdy men are ready to rush upon their opponents the moment full-back's toe touches the ball.

"That's a heap better, Edwards," he said eagerly. "Now see if you can't do it just right the next time." After that it seemed to Marvin that Steve tried harder and it seemed to Steve that the little quarter-back was more appreciative. On Tuesday, as the squad jogged away from the tackling pit, Marvin said: "Edwards, let me see you after practice, will you?"

They come in for a very large share of the work and must be boys of superior strength and agility. Next to the quarter-back the player of the greatest importance is full-back. His duty first of all is to attend to the kicking end of the game.

He had taken a huge, ungainly Nova Scotian lad named Ringold for centre; he had placed a square-jawed, tow-headed boy from Duluth in the line; he had selected a high-strung, unseasoned chap, who for two years had been eating his heart out on the side-lines, and made him into a quarter-back.

Hold 'em!" was the Roxley cry. But it was not to be. The yard became two, and then the leather went over with a rush. "A touchdown! A touchdown for Brill!" "Now make it a goal!" was the cry, and a goal it became, the Brill quarter-back doing the kicking. From that moment on the battle waged with a fury seldom seen on any gridiron.