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Plenty of money in my purse that was unromantic, of course, but it simplified matters and nine hours of daylight remaining in which to find a lodging. The village is one of the oldest, and I am sure it must be one of the quaintest, in England. I withhold specific geographical information in order that you may not miss that Columbus thrill, which comes too seldom in a world of railroads.

It looks down on us all; it despises us." "Despises you? You're making fun of me," said Isabel seriously. "Well, you think us 'quaint' that's the same thing. I won't be thought 'quaint, to begin with; I'm not so in the least. I protest." "That protest is one of the quaintest things I've ever heard," Isabel answered with a smile. Lord Warburton was briefly silent.

He was full of old-fashioned ideas, which would take the quaintest turns of reactionism; his politics were summed up in the phrase that he "would rather vote for a nigger than a Republican"; but then, in the same breath, he would announce some fine and noble sentiment, out of the traditions of a forgotten past. He was the soul of courtesy to women, and of loyalty to friends.

Of all the fine, quaint things in the room, Aunt Judith was surely the finest, and the quaintest. Her gown was of old-time print, a white ground upon which bouquets of pansies, purple and yellow, had been finely printed. Her black eyes were bright with excitement, and in her glossy black hair, she had placed an old silver comb. Her sleeves were elbow length, and she wore long black silk mitts.

But quaintest of all were the Amish. The Amish are the plainest and quaintest of the plain sects that flourish in Lancaster County. Unlike their kindred sects, who wear plain garb, they are partial to gay colors in dress. So it is no unusual sight to see Amish women wearing dresses of such colors as forest green, royal purple, king's blue or garnet.

"Why, no doubt that was so, but 'tis the privilege of your kind to have some say in this little matter of giving and taking in marriage. I only marvel that your countrywomen submit so tamely to the quaintest game of chance I ever played at. "Ay, and it is women's nature no doubt to keep the laws which others make, as you have said yourself.

She treats herself to countless Court ladies, varying in number between a score and three hundred, according to the wants of the Court at different times. One of the quaintest and nicest customs in Corea is the respect shown by the young for the old; what better, then, can the reigning people do but set the good example themselves?

In the fifteenth century that age of mysticism we find the Annunciation, not merely treated as an abstract religious emblem, but as a sort of divine allegory or poem, which in old French and Flemish art is clothed in the quaintest, the most curious forms. I recollect going into a church at Breslau, and finding over one of the altars a most elaborate carving in wood of the Annunciation.

"I always told you, Dad," she said; and the word "Dad" on the lips of that big statuesque girl who always seemed ready to take that inspired framework of rags and bones and talking music into her protecting arms seemed the quaintest of paradoxes , "I always told you, Dad, what would happen, with your fairy-tales of the doubloons."

The local inn was reopened with cheers, and in spite of the fact that there were two dead horses, very evil-smelling, just outside, we had drinks all round. We were interrupted by laughter and cheers. We rushed out to see the quaintest procession coming from the west into Charnesseuil.