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Pero cant el fo abas ni monges revestitz en la sua abadia fo si·l lums eseurzitz qu'anc no i ac be ni pauza, tro qu'el ne fo ichitz; e cant fo de Tholosa avesques elegitz per trastota la terra es tals focs espanditz que ia mais per nulha aiga no sira escantitz; que plus de D.M., que de grans que petitz, i fe perdre las vidas e·ls cors e·ls esperitz.

E die vos de l'avesque, que tant n'es afortitz, qu'en la sua semblansa es Dieus e nos trazitz, que ab cansos messongeiras e ab motz coladitz, dont totz horn es perdutz qui·ls canta ni los ditz, ez ab sos reproverbis afilatz e forbitz ez ab los nostres dos, don fo eniotglaritz, ez ab mala doctrina es tant fort enriquitz c'om non auza ren dire a so qu'el contraditz.

Out of a high window then came the sound of a man singing, a sharp strong voice, tremulous in the open notes. She held her bosom as she heard Al entrada del tems clar, eya! Per joja recomençar, eya! Vol la regina mostrar Qu'el' es si amoroza. The sun kindled her lifted face, filled her wet eyes with light, and glistened on her praying lips. After that her duty was clear, as she conceived it.

"Ai herbes prises Qui de granz vertuz sont enprises Sus quelque mal qu'el soient mises Le maus s'enfuit." There is no reference in the poem to a cure about to be performed in the presence of the audience, which does not however exclude the possibility of such cure being effected.