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Tuesday, April, 21., will be sufficient time. The case is continued until that day. Witnesses' names will now be called." The following witnesses for the prosecution were in court and were placed upon their recognizances of $100 each to be in court on April, 21.: J. B. Lock, Dr. A. B. Heyl, Henry Motz and Harry and Will Hedger.

Mas per melhs assire mon chan, vau cercan bos motz en fre que son tuit cargat e ple d'us estranhs sens naturals; mas no sabon tuich de cals. Difficulty was thus intentional; in the case of several troubadours it affected the whole of their writing, no matter what the subject matter. They desired not to be understood of the people.

E die vos de l'avesque, que tant n'es afortitz, qu'en la sua semblansa es Dieus e nos trazitz, que ab cansos messongeiras e ab motz coladitz, dont totz horn es perdutz qui·ls canta ni los ditz, ez ab sos reproverbis afilatz e forbitz ez ab los nostres dos, don fo eniotglaritz, ez ab mala doctrina es tant fort enriquitz c'om non auza ren dire a so qu'el contraditz.

Our most successful commanders, Blücher, Gneisenau, Moltke, Goeben, were not original Prussian products, any more than Stein, Hardenberg, Motz, and Grolmann in the Civil Service. It is as though our statesmen, like the trees in nurseries, needed transplanting in order that their roots might find full development.