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"It peen some red-hot paseball practice we put into us this afternoon, Frankie," said Dunnerwurst. "Py Chorge! Der game vill play us to-morrow on." "We'll have to play the game to win, boys," said Merry. "This Rover baseball team is no ordinary wandering aggregation. It's composed of professionals with records." He then told them about the players who made up the Rovers.

Eh, there be a lapwing! Lap-py, lap-py, lap- py, there he go! Janny catch un!" And the baby would stretch his arms responsive to Abel's expressive signs, and cry aloud for the vanishing bird. If no living creature crossed the ether, there were the clouds.

His meditations were suddenly interrupted by the unexpected appearance of the little Jewish tailor, who, breathless and panting, now came scrambling up on the platform and exclaimed: "Py gracious, Mr. Manning! I vas afraid you vas gone, and I hafe somedings on my mindt dot bodders me like de dickens!" "What is it that troubles you, Mr.

"No, ye won't dare, ye Dutch coward. Av ye had a bit av spunk in yer body, ye'd challenge him to wance." "Vell, you pet me my boots I don'd vos a coward," declared Hans, emphatically. "I'll vight dot feller!" "Thot's th' shtuff, me b'y!" cried the delighted Barney. "Let me take th' challenge." "Nod py a plamed sight! I don'd vant a pog-drotter to done some uf dot peesness for me, ain'd id?

The following are the pupils who have passed, given in the order of merit." And then he read the list of names. Lew Flapp came first, Dick Rover next, Larry Colby third, George Granbury fourth, and the others, including Tom and Fred Garrison, followed. Neither William Philander Tubbs nor Hans Mueller were mentioned. "I dink me dere vos a mistake py dot," said the German boy.

"Well, well," he said, "if you'll not have satisfaction any other way than py the sword, py the sword you shall have it." And instantly drawing, he stood ready to encounter at once the whole host of his enemies. What might have been the result of so unequal a contest, had it taken place, we cannot tell and this simply because no encounter did take place.

Play? No, py damn." She contemplated Pete's man-subduing eyes and noted that wealth and prosperity was indicated by his clothes. She imagined a future, rose-tinted, because of its distance from all that she previously had experienced. As to the present she perceived only vague reasons to be miserable. Her life was Pete's and she considered him worthy of the charge.

You tink we are fine gentlemen and ladies, like dese Americans dat is too proud to vork vid hands. I say tam dis country, vere day say all is alike, an' vork all; and ven you come here, it is dat nobody vill vork, if he can help, and vimmins ish shame to be seen vork. It is not shame to be seen vork; I vork, mein vife vork too, an' my childrens vork too, py tam!"

"Py Cot, it is for no other cause that I know than his honour's pleasure; for the creature might hae gone on in a decent quiet way for me, sae lang as he respectit the Duke's pounds put reason goot he suld be taen, and hangit to poet, if it may pleasure ony honourable shentleman that is the Duke's friend Sae I got the express over night, and I caused warn half a score of pretty lads, and was up in the morning pefore the sun, and I garr'd the lads take their kilts and short coats."

"But what made you bring such a big trunk?" "Shsh!" answered Hans, putting a finger to the side of his nose. "Dot is a secrets alretty!" "A secret?" "Dot's him. You vos going to haf der ladies along, hey?" "Yes, they are all going." "I got me dree dress suits py mine drunk in." "Three dress suits!" roared Dick. "Oh, Hans!" "Ain't dot enough?" questioned the German cadet, dubiously.