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The day after Christmas a boy wrote: "We had Glory to God in the highest, no school yesterday, and a fine time." What he really meant to say was, that they had a motto in evergreens of "Glory to God in the Highest," and they had also a holiday. This motto, by the way, got up by the pupils themselves, was striking.

Giselle looked very much astonished at this speech, and her air of disapproval amused Belle and Yvonne exceedingly. They began presently to talk of the classes in which they were considered brilliant pupils, and of their success in compositions. They said that sometimes very difficult subjects were given out.

The object of this exercise is to induce pupils to seek for general information in an easy and pleasant manner, as by the perusal of books, newspapers, periodicals, and conversation with friends. It induces care and attention in reading, and discrimination in selecting the most useful and important facts from the mass of information.

She heard the voices of the natives raised in controversy, but she could not understand the words. Presently she heard footsteps approaching the hut in which she squatted before a bright fire with the baby on her lap. The little thing lay very still now, its lids, half-raised, showed the pupils horribly upturned. Jane Clayton looked into the little face with fear-haunted eyes.

These lessons were issued to a few of my pupils as "Private Studies in Occultism," several years ago. The time has now come to give them to the world as a companion to the first volume of "The Light of Egypt." It is the duty of Occult students to familiarize themselves with the subjects herein discussed.

However, her pupils were waiting for her in the next room, and with an effort Mrs. Walsham put the matter aside, and went in to them. When James returned home to dinner, his mother related to him the whole conversation. James was more amused than puzzled. "It seems a rum idea, mother; but I don't see why you shouldn't take her. She is a sweet little thing, and will be a great amusement.

At that now distant time we resided at Auxerre. I knew how to read, write, and count. For the further progress of my education I was sent to a small day-school, kept by two maiden ladies humble, gentle souls, who in affectionate care for their pupils satisfied in some degree their instinct of maternal tenderness. Poor Demoiselles Dulorre!

Conversation may be patronizing, or it may leave us a debtor; when the book-seller's bill is settled, we have no account with the author. If I am permitted to speak to all, pupils as well as teachers, I am inclined to say, "Do not consider your education finished when you leave home and the school." Your labors of a practical sort ought then to commence.

Morrow in seeing a bright side of life that almost dispels the darkness of sexual errors. The fifth kind of persons who ought not to teach the personal side of sex-hygiene are those who cannot command the most serious respect of their pupils.

I have noted that of my pupils, those who seemed the laziest and the least enamoured of books are now rising to eminence at the bar, in business, and in public life; the really promising boys who took all the prizes are now able with difficulty to earn the wages of a clerk in a summer hotel or a deck hand on a canal boat.