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Being a Scotch lad, it is not to be wondered at that he should turn to Theology as a means of livelihood; neither is it surprising that he should do so without any conscious love to God, seeing it is not in Scotland alone that untrue men take refuge in the Church, and turn the highest of professions into the meanest, laziest, poorest, and most unworthy, by following it without any genuine call to the same.

On this 14th of September the warmth and dazzlingness of mid-summer still reigned at Pougues; and the scenery in which we suddenly found ourselves, bosquets, dells, and glades, with all the charm but without the savageness of the forest, recalled the loveliest lines of the laziest poet:

"Still asleep," was Leonard's comment as he strode swiftly towards the cave. In another moment he was in it shouting "Otter, Otter!" and saluting with a vigorous kick a prostrate form, of which he could just see the outline. The form did not move, which was strange, for such a kick should have suffered to wake even the laziest Basuto from his soundest sleep.

He looked half a dreamy adventurer, half a soldier. "That's the grand master," said Stolpe proudly, standing at Pelle's side. "There was always a crowd of women at his heels. But they kept themselves politely in the background, for a fire went out of him at such times do you understand? Then it was Men to the front! And even the laziest fellow pricked up his ears."

The chief impediment to the progress of the work, however, was Short, the compositor. On close acquaintance with this creature, I found that he did not belie my first impression of him as the laziest and most slovenly of men; and I soon realised the two dominant characteristics which had made of him a Socialist envy and sloth.

That is a question which was asked William Rufus Holly once upon a time. William Rufus Holly, often called "Averdoopoy," sometimes "Sleeping Beauty," always Billy Rufus, had had a good education. He had been to high-school and to college, and he had taken one or two prizes en route to graduation; but no fame travelled with him, save that he was the laziest man of any college year for a decade.

Tough as I be myself, I don't believe I could a stood it a week, let alone tin years. Talk o' knockin' about like a Turk's head. They were knocked about an' beat an' bullied an' kicked an' starved worse than the laziest lubber as ever skulked about the decks o' a ship.

The father has received the new title of "governor," indicating not less, but more authority, and has called in new instructors to carry on the boy's education: real Adirondack guides old Sam Dunning and one-eyed Enos, the last and laziest of the Saranac Indians.

There was a look of evil upon her face at the moment not easy to describe. She and Augusta had quarrelled for the first time and when she could least afford to quarrel. She had spoken often of Andy P. Symes as "the laziest man in Crowheart" and Augusta always had giggled; to-day she had resented it. Was it, Dr.

"Your cousin Diana." In his laziest voice, he answered: "I suppose you mean does she hunt me?" She knew that tone, that expression on his face, knew he was angry; but could not stop herself. "I did." "So you're going to become jealous, Gyp?"