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"We chawed him up that time, didn't we, pup?" said Dick, with a smile of satisfaction, as he surveyed his prize. Crusoe looked up and assented to this. "Gave us a hard tussle, though; very nigh sent us both under, didn't he, pup?" Crusoe agreed entirely, and, as if the remark reminded him of honourable scars, he licked his wound.

She was not without the wiles and tact of her sex. "You go now, and come back, Abe," she said in a soft voice. "Come back in an hour. Come back then, and I'll tell you which way I'm going from here." He was all right again. "It's with you, Nancy," he said eagerly. "I bin waiting four years." As he closed the door behind him the "college pup" entered the room again.

She wasn't long coming, and I got to admit that when I displays Mr. Pup the expected ovation don't come off. I don't get mixed up in any fond and impetuous embrace. No. If I must tell the truth she stands there with her mouth open starin' at me and it. "Why why, Torchy!" she gasps. "A puppy?"

"Let him have his chance; he's a good pup, and will do you great credit presently." His hand continued to rest on the sheep-dog's neck or head, till the three pups were comfortably full, and the foster herself was comfortably eased of her bounteous milk-supply. Then, gently, he removed his hand, and the foster proceeded to lick her own two pups with exemplary diligence.

"Pore creature's hungry," is near enough what he said. He opened a sort of safe, and took out all the cooked mutton, which he divided into two unequal portions, then gave the smaller share to his own dog, and the larger to Pup. "Bit evener on your keel after you've stowed that in your hold," he soliloquised profanely.

"It'll be up in an hour." "Jerickety! Then I've got to get ready." He turned to the other room again and entered. "College pup!" said Hawley, under his breath, savagely. "Why didn't you tell me he was here?" "Was it any of your business, Abe?" she rejoined, quietly. "Hiding him away here " "Hiding? Who's been hiding him? He's doing what you've done.

To contemplate the sum total of the benefits he had received at Kellogg's hands, since the day when the latter had found him ill and half-starved, friendless as a stray pup, on the bench in Washington Square, staggered his imagination.

"Oh, for my dear pup Crusoe!" he exclaimed aloud in this dilemma; but the faithful ear was shut now, and the deep silence that followed his cry was so oppressive that the young hunter sprang forward at a run over the plain, as if to fly from solitude.

"Is he addressing himself to me or to the pup, I wonder?" asked the gardener, a fat, good-natured Irishman, as he placed himself in front of the statue. He read the name "Pallas," forced his rusty derby hat down over his ears in imitation of the statue's helmet, and mimicked the pose. Together they staggered out with their burden.

The Hebrew looked perplexed, but, before he could answer, Brownie came bounding gaily round the corner of the hut. Seeing a stranger, he stopped suddenly, displayed his teeth and growled. "Down, pup! He is not accustomed to visitors, you see," said his master apologetically. At that moment Cormac turned the corner of the hut, bearing an earthen jar of water on his shoulder.