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Each shaking-table of the pulsators is made of corrugated iron plates in several sections with a drop of about an inch from one division to another. A sufficient quantity of thick grease is spread over the plates to cover them to the top of the corrugations. The concentrates are continuously spread over the upper portion of the table automatically while running water washes them down.

I watched the "concentrators" at work big tanks containing mud and water and invisible diamonds and was told that each could stir and churn and properly treat 300 car-loads of mud per day 1,600 pounds to the car-load and reduce it to 3 car-loads of slush. I saw the 3 carloads of slush taken to the "pulsators" and there reduced to a quarter of a load of nice clean dark-colored sand.

The part that resists this treatment is carried to a mill to be crushed. The disintegrated and pulverized material is then carried to the washing machines. The coarser fragments of the concentrates from the washing machines are picked out by hand; the finer are sent to the pulsators.

I watched the "concentrators" at work big tanks containing mud and water and invisible diamonds and was told that each could stir and churn and properly treat 300 car-loads of mud per day 1,600 pounds to the car-load and reduce it to 3 car-loads of slush. I saw the 3 carloads of slush taken to the "pulsators" and there reduced to quarter of a load of nice clean dark-colored sand.