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He made a few steps, stumbled against a chair, and with a great effort, pulled himself together to lay hold of a certain thought that was whizzing about loose in his head.

So then he pulled it on me about speaking to Capt.

N B To be hanged next time. Then a crier was sent through the mine to invite inspection of brutus's features, and ere sunset thousands looked into his face, and when he tried to lower it pulled it savagely up. "I shall know you again, my lad," was the common remark, "and, if I catch you too near my tent, rope or revolver, one of the two."

I embraced her and turned her about with my hand and took her seal- ring, which I put on my finger, and she pulled off my ring and put it on hers.

You kin see where his tracks comes right out from behind the tree to the place where they stood talkin'. An' behind the tree there ain't no cigarette butts a-tall an' that's when a feller most generally smokes when he's passin' the time waitin' fer somebody. An' here's a string like as if it had been pulled offn a package an' throwed away.

There were fields on either hand, and here and there the twinkling of a distant light proclaimed a probable human habitation; but there were no lamps about the road as there are nowadays, and the scene looked altogether deserted and desolate. I pulled down the window, and, putting out my head, hailed the driver, who was apparently asleep upon his box.

He taunted her interminably about the way her father and mother had left her; he pulled her hair, and practiced countless other little tricks that she could not resent. His father tried to reprove him at times, but his mother always rushed to his defence, and in her eyes he could do no wrong.

"What a fine figure he cuts!" "Ba, Jack! how can you say that of a Yankee? I have half a mind to shoot him." As Larry spoke he raised his gun, but Jack pulled it down. "Don't, Larry!" "Why not? We are at war, and he is our enemy." "I know, but " "But what? Are you too tender-hearted to be a real soldier?" "It isn't that, Larry. Colonel Stanton is such a fine man "

"You see I can always depend upon myself to make a fool of myself. It was that bad place in the fence that did it." He pulled up his horse suddenly as they were starting. "And that reminds me; there is one thing you positively must tell me before I can go a foot, even toward supper. How much farther is it to the corner of this field?" She looked at him in pretty amazement.

"Those d d brutes are trussing me like a fowl," he murmured with irrepressible gaiety at the last. Then the wrench on his bruised arms as they were pulled roughly back by the cords caused the veil of unconsciousness to gather over his eyes.