United States or Papua New Guinea ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

"I ought to have recognised you at sight, no doubt, since I have watched your ascents time and time again." The exile smiled faintly, shaking his head and giving another sigh. "Ah, me! 'twas vastly different, then. I only marvel that you should give me credit when I lay claim to that name, so long it has long faded from the public's memory, sir." But uncle Phaeton shook his head, decidedly.

In surreptitiously obtaining seclusion he was merely robbing the public and the public's press of their inalienable right. Who could deny now the reiterated statement that he was a bigamist? It came to be said that he must be on his way to South America.

We've cut the public's Federal paperwork load by more than 12 percent in less than a year. And we are not through cutting. We've made a good start on turning the gobbledygook of Federal regulations into plain English that people can understand. But we know that we still have a long way to go. We've brought together parts of 11 Government agencies to create a new Department of Energy.

"He says that what the public's reading now is society novels stories about up-to-date people who are handsome and successful and rich. They want automobiles and theatre-parties and country-clubs in their novels." "But Thyrsis! You don't know anything about such things!" "I know. But he said I could find out. And so I could.

"I only thought you were doing it to fill in at our opening engagement; to prevent the public's howling, Joe. But if you want to keep on with it, why, I'm willing, and thankful too." "All right, I'll do it!" decided Joe. "Good! Unpack the tank, boys!" cried Jim Tracy. "Set her up and fill her with water. We'll have a 'boy fish' act after all!"

This year, we must regain the public's faith by requiring limited financial funds from public funds for congressional election campaigns. House bill 1 provides for this public financing of campaigns. And I look forward with a great deal of anticipation to signing it at an early date. A strong economy and an effective government will restore confidence in America.

At the same time, he said I was the first 'square' conductor he had ever worked with, and, no doubt, he missed his 'extra, After three weeks of him, and of the general public's idea that I must, of course, be knocking down fares, I resigned. However, the superintendent offered me a job as 'inspector' of registers on the main line, a job that he was just creating.

Dear Togie: Please forgive me for writing you these few lines, but I have been through several wars myself and I have witnessed how easy it is for a hero to take the wrong road and walk unexpectedly into the cold storage department of the public's estimation. That is the reason I wish to give you a few points on the etiquette of being a hero, which I have studied from observation in this country.

If you stood in front of the curtain, and see the public's faces as I do, you'd know human natur' better." "Ah! it's been the spoiling of you, Tommy, your taking to that branch," rejoined his companion. "When you played the ghost in the reg'lar drama in the fairs, you believed in everything except ghosts. But now you're a universal mistruster." "Never mind," said Mr.

We should develop educational television into a vital public resource to enrich our homes, educate our families, and to provide assistance in our classrooms. We should insist that the public interest be fully served through the public's airwaves. And I will propose these measures to the 90th Congress. Now we come to a question that weighs very heavily on all our minds on yours and mine.