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Thus the plural of cara may be pu-cara, caraica, or caraegen, signifying the cities; or cum-que cara, the good cities. The Chilese language abounds with adjectives, both primative and derivative.

Valin Valere to be worth. Valen Valere to be able. Une Unus one. The nouns have only one declension, or rather are indeclinable, the numbers and cases being marked by various particles; but each, in this way, has the singular, dual, and plural, like the Greek. Thus Cara the city, has Cara-egu the two cities, and Pu-cara the cities, as in the following example. Singular. Dual. Plural. Nom.

Cara Cara-egu pu-Cara Gen. Cara-ni Cara-egu-ni pu-Cara-ni Dat. Cara-meu Cara-egu-meu pu-Cara-meu Accus. Cara Cara-egu pu-Cara Voc. a Cara a Cara-egu a pu-Cara Abl. Caramo Cara-egu-mo pu-Cara-mo Instead of pu, the mark of the plural, ica or egen may be affixed to the noun, or que placed between the adjective and substantive.