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As the chariots approached the house, the loud barking of Hylax attracted the attention of Zoila, the merry little daughter of Proclus, who was playing in the fields with her brother Pterilaues. The moment the children espied a sight so unusual in that secluded place, they ran with all speed to carry tidings to the household.

Artaphernes sent to Proclus four noble horses and a Bactrian camel, together with seven minae as a portion for Zoila. For Pterilaues, likewise, was a sum of money sufficient to maintain him ten years in Athens, that he might gratify his ardent desire to become the disciple of Plato.

"But you cannot be the Plato that I mean," said Pterilaues; "for you carried my little sister Zoila on your shoulders and played peep with her among the vines; and when I chased you through the fields, you ran so fast that I could not catch you."

"You told us that your name was Aristocles," returned Pterilaues; "and we always called you so. Once I heard that Athenian lady call you Plato; and I could not understand why she did so." "I was named Aristocles for my grandfather," answered the philosopher; "and when I grew older, men called me Plato."

At Corinth, the travellers again turned aside to the Fountain of Poseidon, that the curiosity of Pterilaues might be satisfied with a view of the statues by which it was surrounded. "When we are in Athens, I will show you something more beautiful than these," said Pericles. "You shall see the Pallas Athenae, carved by Phidias."

In token of gratitude for kind attentions bestowed by the household of Proclus, Pericles invited his family to visit the far-famed wonders of the violet-crowned city; and the eager solicitations of young Pterilaues induced the father to accept this invitation for himself and son.

Eudora looked up with an arch expression; and Philothea smiled as she said, "This is a new version of unknown Phoebus tending the flocks of Admetus." Pterilaues seemed utterly confounded by a discovery so unexpected.