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To have plague discovered now would be very disturbing to the worthy plans of the Hochwald Legation. For trade purposes, they would very much dislike to have the port closed for a considerable time by quarantine. The Dutch difficulty they can arrange when they will. But quarantine would bring in the United States, and that is quite another matter. Well, we'll see, when Dr. Pruyn gets here."

There had been an accident, she said, of which she had been able to get only imperfect information, but it seemed possible that Miss Dorothea was involved in it. She herself was hurrying to Lakefield, and it would be Simmons' task to find Mr. Pruyn in time for him to catch the ten-five train, at latest. He was to pack two valises with all that Mr. Pruyn could require for a change.

But when she looked at him, he saw it was Diane. It had apparently been decreed that Derek Pruyn was not to go to South America that year. On more than one occasion he had been delayed on the eve of sailing. From February the voyage was postponed to May, and from May to September. In September it had ceased for the moment to be urgent, while remaining a possibility.

"No, dearest, no," he murmured, with arms yearning to her as she approached him; "nevertheless come!" Notwithstanding the fact that she had wept in his arms wept as women weep who are brave in the hour of trial, only to break down in the moment of relief Diane would give Derek Pruyn no other answer. She could not consent yet.

Brewster came to her, bearing the news that the sailing was set for the morrow. "I'm glad to know that Dr. and Mrs. Pruyn are provided for," she remarked, so casually that the troubled father drew a breath of relief, concluding that he must have misinterpreted the girl's interest in the man behind the goggles. On his way to the patio, he passed through the room where the scientist had lain.

At dinner we had General and Mrs. Mirvan, another sister, and Dr. Holms, Librarian in the Capitol. This afternoon two presents of flowers came for me; they all went to church in the morning, being All Saints' day. The Evans asked us all to dine, but Mrs. Pruyn had company at home. Mr. Palmer, son of the man who sculptured "Faith," so often photographed, and the clergyman of St. Peter's, Dr.

Nobody there would think of the right or the wrong; they'd only consider what I'd owned to. It's the confession that would ruin me." "Surely you exaggerate. You could do it quietly. No one need know outside Derek Pruyn and two or three more of us." "I don't do things in that way," he said, with an odd return of his old-time pride. "If I put the woman right, it shall be in the eyes of the world.

There are other possibilities. Perhaps, Mr. Brewster," he continued, with a side glance at the girl, "we might talk it over at length this evening." "Quite useless, Mr. Sherwen," smiled the magnate. "Polly would have it all out of me before I was an hour older. She may as well get it direct." "Very well, then. It's this quarantine business. If Dr. Pruyn comes here and declares bubonic plague "

"If you mean me, Mrs. Wappinger, I ought to say that Mr. Pruyn has done nothing for which I can blame him. He was placed in a situation with which only a very subtle intelligence could have dealt, and I respect him the more for not having had it.

"What's that?" demanded the Unspeakable Perk, running out, coatless and goggleless. "There's been another riot, and Dr. Luther Pruyn is killed," explained Sherwen. "Who says so?" "Bulletin board La Liberdad just saw it," panted Galpy. "Nonsense! It's a bola" "The whole city is ringing with it. They say it was a plot to get him out of the way to stop quarantine.