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They planned expensive schemes of improvement by means of roads, canals, and the like to be carried out at the cost of the Federal Government, and they cared little for the protests of the doctrinaires of "State Right." To them America owes, for good or evil, her Protective system.

Another election gave Jackson a majority even in the Senate, and in spite of the protests of Clay, Webster and Calhoun the censure on the President was solemnly expunged from its records. After the triumphant termination of the Bank, Jackson's second term of office was peaceful and comparatively uneventful.

I shall not go into the details of the procurement of what became known as the Riverside Franchise. In spite of the Maplewood residents, of the City Improvement League and individual protests, we obtained it with absurd ease.

But Husky, notwithstanding the evidence of his eyes, continued to cry out and to resist their ministrations. "All right," said Bela at last. "I can't do not'ing. He got die, I guess." She started for the door. A swift reaction passed over Husky. All in the same breath with his protests he began to beg her not to desert him.

"Theologically we were far apart, but we were entirely with him in his enthusiasm for righteousness, his sympathy with downtrodden and oppressed peoples.... We were with him also in his untiring efforts to secure for women their rightful place in the shaping of our national life, and in his splendid protests against the tortures inflicted in the name of science on the poor, helpless animals, our dumb brothers.

Garrison to disband the Anti-Slavery Society, filled her with dismay and she sent back the strongest protests she could put into words: How can any one hold that Congress has no right to demand negro suffrage in the returning rebel States because it is not already established in all the loyal ones?

So Aylward, having given instructions to the bearer of his feather-bed, rode away in spite of shrill protests from his French companions, who speedily consoled themselves with those of his comrades who seemed to have most to give. Nigel's party was soon clear of the column of archers and riding hard in the direction of the Prince's army.

Whatever was its ultimate purpose, Spain was careful to feed hopes which secured, so long as they lasted, better treatment for the Catholics, and which might be used to hold James from any practical action on behalf of the Protestants in Germany. Her cordiality increased as she saw, in spite of her protests, the crisis approaching.

Pancaldi whispered, under his breath. These few words were enough to make Madame Pancaldi realize to the full the seriousness of her position. And she did not try to keep her countenance or to retort with futile protests. She sank into a chair, sighing: "Oh, that's it!... I understand.... Mlle. Hortense has found the track.... Oh, it's all up with us!" There was a moment's respite.

I cannot abide to let wine stand and wait; and champagne watch it, how it protests!" He filled her glass and refilled his own. "By the way," he added, sinking his voice, "one is permitted to congratulate a debutante?" "And to criticise." "There was nothing to criticise except Oh, well, a trifle. At home in England we don't 'my lord' a mere baronet, you know." "But since he is my lord?"