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"If," he wrote, "she were my sister or my daughter, I protest I would as confidently resolve to further it as I now persuade you"; and again, "If my faith be anything, I protest, if I had one as near me as she is to you, I had rather match her with him, than with men of far greater titles." The suit, happily for Bacon, was unsuccessful. The lady indeed was kind to him in more ways than one.

I know you never did such a thing before, and knew what I was talking about when I said I would ask a sacrifice of you." "I would do it to please you," replied Spero, hesitatingly. "I thought so," cried the painter, laughing; "yet I made you the proposition, because I thought you were boring yourself to death here." "But " "No, do not protest.

"And the price?" asked Labenstein, as his hand quickly went into his pocket. "Is nothing," answered Blake. "It is a gift." "Ah, but, my dear sir, that is too much! I could not think of taking it without pay!" insisted Mr. Labenstein, as he flashed on the light and then slipped the switch back in place again. "I protest that I must pay you."

"He simply wandered off, when that Indian girl wasn't looking. He didn't even have a cap or a coat on." I heard Lady Alicia, who had slipped down out of the saddle, make a little sound as I said this. It was half a gasp and half a groan of protest. For one brief moment Dinky-Dunk stared at her, almost accusingly, I thought. Then he swung his horse savagely about, and called out over our heads.

"For your first query," he said, "most reverend father, we will, if you please, pretermit it as nothing essential to the matter in hand; and for the second I protest to you that I know as little of his means of knowledge as you do, and that I am well-nigh persuaded he deals with Sathanas, of which more anon.

Face downward on her hard, narrow cot, she recalled the terrible accusations, the opprobrious epithets, and tearless, convulsive sobs of passionate protest shook her from head to foot.

Bold as were Grosseteste's words, he fully accepted the curialist theory which regarded the pope as the universal bishop, the divinely appointed source of all ecclesiastical jurisdiction. He could therefore do no more than protest. If the pope chose to disregard him, there was nothing to be done but wait patiently for better times.

'Would do a great deal towards it, I declare, cried Lady Clonbrony; 'that never struck me before, Grace, I protest and what would not suit one might sell or exchange here and it would be a great amusement to me and I should like to set the fashion of something better in that country. And I declare, now, I should like to see those poor people, and that widow O'Neill.

Langhope uttered no protest, and she continued to piece her conjectures together. "But you expect it to lead up to something active. Do you want a rupture?" "I want him brought back to his senses." "Do you think that will bring him back to her?" "Where the devil else will he have to go?" Mrs.

The instant, therefore, that the Episcopal worship was introduced, by authority, in the cathedral of Edinburgh, there was an insurrection, which rapidly spread through all parts of the country. An immense multitude came to Edinburgh to protest against the innovation, and crowded all the houses, streets, and halls of the city.